I'm so mad at this person who I'm not even sure is my friend anymore. I feel like I'm overreacting but I'm also really offended.
So she was complaining about something that was bothering her, and I, trying to be nice, said "If you ever need to talk, I'm here." You know that's a nice thing to say to someone who is upset.
Then she says, in a very agressive tone, "Well you never tell me anything."
Then I said "I'm sorry. It's not personal. My personality is very closed off, so I don't really tell anyone anything. I was just trying to be nice."
And then she had the AUDACITY to say, "You're not my therapist. Friendship is a two way street." What. The. Fuck.
I can't change the way I am just because it doesn't suit her idea of friendship.
And she can't really talk about how friendship is supposed to be when I'm her only friend. Now I understand why.
I also haven't known her that long, so I'm not gonna open up to her as if she were my best friend when I didn't even open up to an actual therepist.
Am I overreacting, or was that completely out of line?
I didn't say the whole conversation because it was really repetative.
But that was at the beginning of class before it started, then after class I said, "Hey I'm sorry that I upset you. I am just naturally a closed off person, but I am trying."
And then she SNEERS and says "No. You're not trying." HOW THE FUCK DOES SHE KNOW IF I'M TRYING OR NOT.
The only people I actually open up to is a) wattpad b) elena_from_galifrey and soroke
I have known the last 2 since toodler-hood, so it's pretty clear why I open up to them and not just anyone.
I am just really pissed off.
~rant over~