Chapter 20

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Your POV

I pace my dressing room, my white dress flowing out around me. My three bridesmaids, Jane, Fear, and Clockwork, watch me. "Y/N. Everything will be fine. It's been a year since our victory." Jane says to calm me. "You need to calm down, and relax."

I look at her. "But what if someone turns up drunk. I mean, this is the event that will be remembered for centuries!" I stop in the middle of the room. "I want my wedding to go off without a hitch."

Fear sighs and pulls her slightly short bridesmaid dress down. She looks at me. "You know Zalgo won't allow drunks into the castle. Jeff was just barely allowed in, that was a day." She chuckles. "Zalgo is just as stressed out as you are, so he made sure to get his guards at every corner of the palace. Everything is prepared for."

I nod and release a shaky breath. "Ok...ok." I look at myself in the vanity mirror. I smile. "Thank you. All of you." They smile. "It's an honor to help you, after saving us after all." Fear says.

There was a knock at the door, which then opens a crack. "Almost time." LJ says. Fear hears his voice and looks over. He opens the door more and sees me. "Whoa, look at you! You look great!" He smiles.

"Thanks Jack." I smile and look at Fear. She was now looking away from him, almost sadly.

"Zalgo is getting in an argument with Jeff and BEN. So I need to get back." He steps towards Fear, but she just goes to my side, back to him. He frowns and leaves.


I look at Zalgo on my right with a smile. We were the only ones that stood in front of the thrones. I face him and he lifts my veil. His eyes wonder over my face and my dress. I blush and he starts his vows.

"The minute we met, I never thought I would be marrying you. I see the beautiful woman in front of me today, a savior to humans and pastas alike. She is the person I look for every morning, and she is the last I see at night. I never will have her tied to my side, as she is free to come and go as she pleases. All I wish of her, is that she is accepting of any flaws I have, my rage to annoyances..." He looks to Jeff, standing behind him, and a small fire flickers in Zalgo's red eyes. He shakes his head when Jeff adverts his eyes, and looks back at me. "And is willing to stay by my side." He finishes.

I smile and then we exchange rings. We look up after I slip his ring onto his finger. He pulls me close and we kiss, full of love, yet light; leaving me wanting more. The guests clap for us and we go to the large dining hall that was set up for the reception.


I sit at the head of the table and kick off my shoes. 'Ugh, why did I go with high heels.' I look around and see Zalgo at the dessert table. The cake was sliced and a live band was playing. I smile and shake my head at him. I soon look over to my right and see LJ with Fear. She was leaning against the wall while LJ stood next to her. He was trying to talk to her, but Fear was ignoring him. She then shakes her head and walks off, Jack runs his hand through his hair and walks after her. I need to find out what's happening between them.


The reception ended, the guests left, and it was only Zalgo and I left in our palace. I look at Zalgo and smile. He smirks at me, looking me over. "You do look amazing..." He bites his lip.

"Zalgo." I say, warning him. "I know you want to ravish me, and I do too, but I was thinking, we need a honeymoon..." I smirk. "What do you think?"

He chuckles, sitting in a chair in our sitting area in the bedroom. "Alright. Where do we go? Where do you wish to go?"


(Hello my fellow Archer! I have some sad news for you all...this is the end of the book. I know, I know, it's too early to end it. HOWEVER, I have plans...FOR A THIRD BOOK!!! This next one will center around my OC more, but don't worry, you'll still be in it! You have to help again! But for now, enjoy your honeymoon with the king ;) )

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