Chapter 7

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Your POV

A few weeks into training myself how to fly again, I was almost back to where I was 5 years ago. Fear was impressed, but I could see that she had a longing. I felt sorry for her.

"Y/N!" Blasphemy called out to me.

I flew over to her. "What is it?"

"Guess who's coming after 5 years of not being seen!" She had an excited look on her face.

"I don't wanna guess, tell me!" I smiled.

"Jason and Laughing Jack are making their way here!"

I smiled widely. "Why did they only come now?"

"They had to get our location and permission from Zalgo before they could come out here. I'm so excited to see Jason!"

I laughed a bit. "Fear will be so happy to see Jack."

She nodded. She then ran off to, I believe, her room.

I sighed and I flew to my room. I was tired from my training and wanted to rest.




"How is this happening?! This is impossible!" Dr. Smilie looked down at me. "How are you doing this?!"

I looked up at him. "You can't break me! No one can-"

He then slapped me across the face. "You're a human. Not a half being. You need to snap out of it. You're mother left you here and your father never loved you."

"You think I'd care about that? I'm not normal, dear Dr. Smilie. I'm a PSYCHOPATH! I care for no human beings!!!"

"You are a human!"

The next thing I knew...I felt something break.

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