Chapter 6

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Your POV

I sat in my cell on the floor. I rocked back and forth, being pulled by the chain that held me. I said nothing, not a sound.

I heard Dr. Smilie talking to a nurse or someone.

"What do you think is wrong with her?"

"It looks like schizophrenia. There's not much of her left to cure her completely. If we give her this medicine, she comes to her senses for about 12 hours. She needs to fight these hallucinations to get better." He said.

"What kind of hallucinations?"

"These things called...Creepypastas. A few I can name, but she says to many to remember."

"Is there one or two you can name?"

"Yes, two girls, one is older than the other by a year. The eldest is Fear and the younger is Blasphemy. Ironically, we have two girls that wish to go by those names. Raven and Victoria XX. They were hurt when they were younger and they were brought here. We can't do anything for them except to hope they recover."

"But aren't they locked in the isolation wing?"

"Yes...that's the strange part..."

I listened to them until I grew bored of it. I lied down on my side as sleep wrapped its cold fingers around me.




I woke with a start. I looked around and I realized I was in my quarters. I calmed down and got up. I changed into my armor and I got my (weapon of choice). I walked out and I headed to Fear's office. She was looking out the window. "Fear?"

She turned. "Oh, you're up. You ready to train?"

"I guess." I shrugged.

"Good. Look, Blasphemy and I are planning to attack a nearby Fort. However, there are mines surrounding the Fort in protection. I need someone to deactivate the mines so we can take the Fort."

"Can't you do it?"

She shook her head. "I was shot on a scouting mission. The bullet hit my wing and I went down. I crashed on the same wing, breaking it. Now I can't fly." She looked back out the window, sadly.

"I could do it."

She snapped her head back at me. "It's extremely dangerous and you haven't flown for 5 years."

"So? I can try at least." I frown.

"Who is going to teach you? I'm the only one here that can fly."

"I can learn on my own!" I snapped at her.

Her face stayed stoic. She then smiled and chuckled. "I like your determination. Very well. Just be careful. If I lose your ability to fly, then we lose all hope to win."

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