5. The Village

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"The Village" - Wrabel


It was one of the rare days in London where there was just enough light that you were able to pretend that the city hadn't turned into a concrete jungle. Arthur and Alfred walked side by side, close enough that their hands brushed against each other but far away enough that none of the surrounding people would suspect anything.

Arthur was still unsure what they would suspect but Alfred seemed to think that it would be safer for the both of them to not appear to close in public. It still puzzled him though. Yes, people did not approve of such a relationship, but were they in one?



"You're spacing out again," Alfred laughed, "Come back to me."

Arthur smiled. How could he not? Alfred was charming down to the bone. The little quirks he had felt special to Arthur. Like only he ever looked close enough to appreciate them.

"Sorry. I was just thinking." Arthur apologised.

"About what?"

"It does not matter."

"Of course it does. Tell me."

Always the persistent one, Arthur thought, chuckling to himself. The two weaved their way through the slowly populating streets. Careful not to lose each other. Alfred followed Arthur who lead them out of the crowds and onto a back street that he wouldn't have noticed if he was by himself.

"Where are we going?" Alfred asked.

"You will see."

The back street gradually turned from cracked pavement to rough dirt, treaded down by the thousands of feet traveling over it. Alfred hummed a quiet tune that relaxed Arthur. Their hands brushed together once more but this time stayed touching.

"Alfred, what are you-"

"It's alright Arthur. No one is around."

Sure enough the road was empty with the exception of them, but that did not ease Arthur's feeling of nervousness. What if someone were to cross paths with them? It could happen at any given time. The thought did not seem to bother Alfred though, now that they were alone he beamed with joy. Alfred's childish nature and smiling face relaxed Arthur, and allowed him to fully take in the scenery. On one side hills carpeted with gently swaying green grass rose to meet the horizon, dipping down on the other side where a clear-watered river ran. Trees were dotted around the area and up ahead the dirt road stretched on for miles, branching off in different directions. Small sparrows, blue and brown, hopped along the dirt, tweeting to each other and exchanging meals. The air was fresher here. No smoke or bad stenches to clog it up. No big brick buildings to trap you in. If it weren't for the memories, Arthur would have like the country side – a lot. But he knew better than anyone that it didn't matter where he was, people like him weren't accepted. They were experimented on and killed. A life Arthur didn't want for Alfred, so he let go of his hand.

"Is everything okay, Arthur?"

Arthur considered telling him the truth. That no, everything was not okay. And it never would be okay. That years before, when he had travelled this same road, he had almost had everything ripped from him.

"Yes. My hand is just getting a bit sweaty." Arthur lied, "This way," He said as they reached a fork in the road. They walked in silence until an upcoming village appeared.

"What are we doing here?" Alfred asked.

"We need to trade some things for the shop." Arthur said.

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