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What do you do when you catch someone cheating? What do you do when you catch someone cheating on their partner? What do you do when said person happened to be your mother? What do you do when you find your mom cheating on your dad?

Trust is something that I didn't take lightly. When you place your trust in someone, you are giving them a part of yourself even though you know that they can betray you at a point. As humans, we all had weaknesses, we made mistakes, I knew that. When it came to the woman who birthed me, took care of me my whole life, the trust that I had placed in her was on a whole other level.

How could she do this to me?

I knocked frantically on the door of Kyle's house when I got there. I was getting antsy. The more I stood here alone with no one around, the more I felt the need to cut.

I rubbed at my wrists, savoring the burning feeling of the cutest made earlier. It was what was keeping me stable but it wasn't enough.

Where was Kyle?

I needed him to be here before I decided that bleeding arms were not enough.

Fuck! I was really crazy, wasn't I?

I knocked again, banging on the door when no one answered.

"What?!" Brian shouted while opening the door.

I opened my mouth to reply but no words would come out. I was cut short, frozen and amazed at the body in front of me. It seemed that this man's body got more and more sexier every time I saw him.

No! What am I thinking?

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts.

"Well?" Brian asked, standing in the doorway, his hands on his waist, basking in his all naked glory.

"Don't you have clothes?" I asked instead. His body was distracting. Didn't he have any sense of decency?

"I do, but why restrict myself in my home?"

I rolled my eyes. "Just because this is your home doesn't mean you should be totally naked. We're outside for crying out loud," I stated angrily. "And this is Kyle's house."

"It's mine too, considering I pay for half of it," he stated and rolled his eyes at me.

What an insolent man.

And he was still naked. I cleared my throat, looking anywhere but at his crotch. Yeah, like that'd work, said my conscience.

When I looked back at his face, he was smirking at me.

"Um, is Kyle around?"

"No, he left a few minutes ago actually."

"Can I wait for him?" I asked.

"What part of..., " he began and then cleared his throat. "Yeah sure, why not?" he said and moved aside to allow me entry to the house.

He wouldn't leave the doorway so I tried my very best to walk past him without coming into contact with his dick.

I swear, I felt it hit my ass. But maybe that was just my naughty mind playing tricks on me.

Did I mention how big it looked? And he was flaccid. I know, I was shocked too.

"Please put some clothes on," I said as I entered the living room.

"Yes, tell me what to do in my home, why don't you?" Brian retorted as I glanced across the room.

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