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You know how you do something that you regret, and don't know how to get out of it? Or like an awkward situation? Or like when you kiss a total stranger who happens to be a man? How did you get out of that one?

I was stuck sitting on my friend's kitchen counter, still reeling from the fact that I had kissed his male roommate, or housemate and actually enjoyed it. Not only did I get hard as fuck from that kiss, I knew in my mind that nothing could top it. And now I was beginning to hate myself because, I kissed a guy. I fucking kissed a guy. How gay was that?

The worst part of it all was that, it was late at night and I was tired and I had to go home. I obviously couldn't stay over since he had indirectly asked me to leave, and it was kind of creepy staying over in someone's house when they didn't want you there.

I sighed as I got down from the kitchen counter. I wanted to go check up on Kyle but decided against it. It was a school night after all and he could have been asleep for all I knew. I got out of the house and walked towards the car. Nah, I was too damn frustrated to drive. And I honestly didn't know how I was able to drive here considering I'd taken alcohol just before. I sighed as I began my walk home.

My house wasn't that far away as it was only a couple of streets away from Kyle's house.
Although, his house was at the end of a cul-de-sac so I had to go all the way to the junction and take the curve toward the next cul-de-sac where my house was. Kyle and I used to do this all the time. We'd walk as far as we could and back, just to talk to each other, just because we could. I missed it.

I received a call from my dad when I was a few blocks from home.

"Hey, dad," I said tiredly.

"How are you kid? Are you in class?"

"Dad, it's literally midnight. Where the hell are you?"

"Oh, right, right. London. I forgot all about the time difference," he replied, making me roll my eyes. Of course he'd forget.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'd be around in a couple of days."

"That's good to hear," I said. Dad never called to tell me he was coming around. He usually just showed up. What was this about?

"Yeah, and hey, you called me yesterday. What's going on?" he asking, sounding worried.

I shook my head with a sigh. At this moment, I was standing in front of our house. The lights were still on that meant mom was awake.

"It's nothing dad," I said, nodding to myself. It was nothing. He'd eventually find out anyway, and besides, it was about them. But as I said that, I really wanted to tell him.

"Are you sure? You sounded pretty worried."

"I'm okay dad, really."

I was going to be okay. I hoped.

I walked into the house, ready to finally call it a night. Well, until I saw the same woman my mom was with yesterday, standing in our living room, in a robe.

"Okay, now it's really personal" I seethed angrily at my mom who was sitting on the couch. "Seriously, don't you have any decency?"

"Aiden," my mom gasped as she stood up.

"Where have you been? I've been worried sick."

I could see that she was worried but now was not the time for her to act like she cared about me.

"You know what, screw you. Screw you and your fucking lesbian mistress, or hookup or whatever the hell she is. You're not only cheating on dad, but you're doing it in our home? What is wrong with you?" I shouted at her and rushed off to my room.

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