every face is a mask. especially a face of stone.
inside of me is my full character. I'm in a play that's real.
acting as I go. no... not acting.
I'm living without a script.this mask is stuck now and tears won't drip.
a chest so empty yet a heart shedding tears internally crying for help.
please help. please.
I'm my own disease. cure me.get this mask off and rearrange one that's improved.
a mask that isn't daul and straight faced.
movable smile and a laugh for one's to hear,
so I can spread happiness and love to those who are near.mend back the pieces that I can't get to function properly.
get out the stowed away blueprints to finally figure out what is wrong with me.
if you feel a similarity then walk this painful trip along with me.
it's time. to show our true faces.
the human road.
Poesiafirst book filled with poems written by me. 📝🔒(IN DEVELOPMENT)🛠️📝