Chapter 4

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As the Gladers gather in the bigger room, murmuring, I hover behind them. I don't want to see Janson after what he told me. I can't bring myself to share the piece on Newt. The boys fall silent, discovering an invisible barrier between us and the Rat Man. He sits behind a wooden desk with a book in his hand, not seeming to notice the pongs of boys bumping their faces on the transparent wall. Eventually, the boys fall silent, sitting in a semicircle around the wall, looking on as Janson carefully folds the corner of the page and closes the book.

"Ah, you're all here," he says, as if our presence is a surprise. I roll my eyes; I can't help myself. newt squeezes my hand and a lump forms in my throat.

"Now that you've all gathered, I would like to inform you of your next Trial."

On cue, an uproar rises, I pick out only a few words ringing out over all other voices.

"You said we were safe!"

"You shuck-faces have been with W.I.C.K.E.D. all along?!"

After what seems like forever, the crowd falls into an uncomfortable silence, broken by sighs, scuffling feet on the floor and boys shifting their weight nervously. I stare at my black boots as the Rat Man continues.

"You will be travelling through the Scorch, the most desolate place on the planet at this time, a desert. You will travel one hundred miles north in two weeks, then you will reach the Safe Haven, and the end of the Trials. If you do not arrive there in the given window, you will die."

"Why would we do that," someone interjects and I can't help but slap my hand to my forehead. Because you don't want to die? But Rat Man remains a monotone when he answers.

"I am so glad you asked, young man. When the sun flares hit the planet, a virus was released, we call it the Flare. It slowly drives a person to insanity. You all have it. Now, when you get to the Safe Haven, you will all receive the cure. At least, those who make it. I wish you the best of luck. Tomorrow morning, you will travel through the Flat Trans," he jabs his thumb over his shoulder, pointing at the wall behind him, "at six-o'clock precisely. You will have five minutes to get through before it closes. Anyone who does not pass through it will be executed brutally. Understand?

"It's simple, really. Pass through the Flat Trans, or you die. Cross through the Scorch and make it to the Safe Haven in time, or you also die. Good luck," he repeats, "And, Cleo? Stay alive."

I tense, as does Newt beside me. Then the wall clouds up and when it clears, Janson and his desk are both gone, leaving us alone. After just a moment, the room explodes into chatter between boys. I drop Newt's hand and walk back to the dorm, where Noah has been tied to the bedpost with a sheet. I start to turn the other way, but Noah calls to me.

"Cleo, don't go."

I look at him with disgust and cross my arms.

"Why shouldn't I? Do you want another chance to kill me?"

He winces at my words, but I roll my eyes. I need sleep, I'm exhausted, and Noah isn't helping. I wander through the rows of bunks to one that I can't see Noah from. Unfortunately, the room isn't big enough to be out of hearing range.

"Cleo, that wasn't me. I tried to fight it, I couldn't control myself."

"Whatever you have to tell yourself, Noah," I spit, rolling over to stare at the wall. I hear him sigh, then sniffle. 

"What are you trying to pull, Noah? You know what you did, though I can't figure out why!"

I sit up in the bed and glare at him over the bunk beside me. He looks up with tear-filled eyes, then looks down at his feet, ashamed. I feel my throat burning and I scoff, rolling back over.

"Why am I letting you get to me," I ask, too quiet for him to hear; mostly just to myself. I shake my head and let the tears roll down my cheeks silently. Eventually, I drift off into an empty sleep.

"Cleo, hey. Wake up, love." I blink to see Newt's face above mine, holding up something shiny and red.

"I brought you something to munch on so you don't get hungry."

"Where did you get that," I ask, sitting up and swiping my hair out of my face. He shrugs.

"A whole load of fruit showed up out of nowhere last night. This is for you."

I take the apple and swing my legs over the edge of the bed and help Newt up beside me. He wraps his arm around my waist and I wince as his fingers press into my scar tissue from my sting. I try my best to hide it. He loosens his grip.

I bite into the apple and suddenly realize how hungry I've been. I haven't eaten in a long time. I regret not eating in the cafeteria when that  Aris kid sat by me. Part of me wonders where he is now, why he defended me in there with the guard. I shake my head, focusing on the present. I may not have many more moments like this with Newt. Seeing as how he's not immune to the Flare virus, but I am. 

My heart sinks at the thought of losing him and I stare at my half-eaten fruit. I don't feel like eating anymore, but I know I'll need it, so I take another bite, thinking. How long will it take for symptoms to show? Will he know when he's gone crazy? Will he remember things like when you go through the Changing?

I sigh, resting my head on Newt's shoulder as the Gladers discuss the Flat Trans and the Scorch. I close my eyes and block them all out. Will he remember me when he goes? I ache to stay with him the whole time, in his arms with his in mine until the Flare makes him crazy or he gets cured. I cling onto that tiny piece of hope, keeping that small shaft of light in my mind as I procceed down this dark corridor of aweful thoughts. 

Will he think I abandoned him when I go with Janson?

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