New Roommate - Chapter 1

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It was the week before school started and I was ready to get settled into my dorm house. Well, kind of, I really don't want to go to school, but the Lieutenant General said I had to go. He said I had to 'get a life' and maybe a mate. So, here I am, going to school. I just want to get this over.

It took me about thirty minutes to get to the campus from my temporary apartment. It took another five minutes to get to where the dorm houses were. My house is 348, I knocked on the door. The principal, a black haired woman with yellow eyes and light peach skin, had said that I would have a roommate. So, I was curious to see if they had arrived yet.

"Coming," I heard a deepish voice call out from the other side of the door. A few seconds later a tall boy with bright orange hair peeked his head out of the door. He had blue-green eyes and pale peach skin. "You must be the roommate."

"Yes, I will be your roommate," I greeted with a bow. "I'm in your care."

"You mean our roommate," Another boy with bright orange hair said widening the door so I could see him. He had lush green eyes and pale peach skin like the first boy. "Hello, my name is Kato Konshoto and his name is Kotaro. We are twin brothers."

"Oh, well then I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Mari Wilson, I'm an Omega. And I'm guessing you guys are Alphas, right?" I introduced myself with another bow. He nodded his head in agreement.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mari. I hope we can get to know each other and become close friends," Kato bowed his head so did his brother. Then both brothers grabbed my bags and motioned for me to follow them to my room.

When I walked into the house, the first thing I noticed was the huge mess. There were dishes in the sink, dust and crumbs covered the couch and floor, a moldy stench clouded the air, and clothes lay scattered across the floor. I must have had a disgusted look on my face because when I looked at them they were a bit flushed.

"Sorry about the mess, we weren't expecting you to come today," Kotaro apologized scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, no, it's ok, I am just used to living by myself, in a clean apartment," I mumbled audibly. "Besides, I can clean this up later, so there is no real big problem."

"Oh, by the way here's your room," Kotaro stopped in front of a closed white door.

"Thank you," I smiled then opened the door to see a single bed with white covers and pillows, an oak dresser, a sliding white door leading to the closet, a birch wood desk with many draws, and a black cloth rolling desk chair.

"We picked out the furniture, so if you don't like it, we can always send it back and get something more to your liking," Kato blurted with a slight blush.

"No, this is perfect." I smiled taking my bags from them. "I'm not really picky when it comes to my room or house."

"Well, we'll leave you to your unpacking and cleaning, or whatever you want to do," Kotaro said leaving the room his brother following close behind.

The first thing I did was organized my room. Then I started my deep cleaning. I started with the kitchen, then I went into the dining room, the living room was the next. I ended my cleaning spree with the hallway and bathroom.

Once I was done I went to the store to get ingredients for dinner.

When I returned, I went straight into the kitchen and started to cook. I made a mash potato casserole with green onions, chopped up bacon, and melted shredded cheddar cheese on top. I also made a pork roll with chopped onions and peppers, fresh spinach, and a special wine sauce.

When dinner was cooked and the table set, I called the brothers out for dinner. When they saw the table the look on their faces was priceless.

"You two look like you're surprised I can cook," I snickered and they nodded in agreement.

"Well, you said you were an omega but you have this alpha feeling surrounding you. So, we thought you were more like an alpha than an omega," Kotaro stuttered and both brothers looked a little ashamed for their accusations.

"It's fine. Now you know, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover," I gave them a small smile. Both nodded and we all sat down.

"Thank you for the food," We all chanted and started to dig in.

"Wow, this is amazing," Kato exclaimed between bites.

"Amazing indeed," Kotaro agreed.

"Thanks," I smiled cheeks full of food. "Glad you like it."

After dinner, I washed the plates, cups, and silverware. When I was done I took out a huge tub of ice-cream and got out three spoons. I then went into the living room and climbed over the back of the couch in between the twins.

"Ice-cream," I announced as I gave both of them a spoon sitting the tub on my lap.

"Nice," Both said at the same time as they dug in.

"Wana watch a movie," Kotaro asked.

"Sure," Kato and I said at the same time.

Kotaro picked up the Xbox controller and selected Netflix.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked

"Anime," We said in unison

"Which one?"


"You two are scary in-sink" Kotaro commented.

"We know," We said together.


We all burst into laughter. Once the giggles subsided Kotaro selected Naruto and set the controller down. We sat there eating ice-cream and watching Naruto until the bucket of ice-cream was gone. We then finished the episode we were on and turned off the TV. It was eleven when we parted ways to go to bed.


OK, that was chapter one. I will try to update every week. I will also put the word count down here. I am aiming for 1000 word as a minimum for each chapter. Thanks for reading!!!!!!!

Word -1042  

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