The Entrance Ceremony - Chapter 2

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It had been about a week since I moved into the dorm with the twins. By now they were used to cleaning up after themselves and having home-cooked meals. Today we're going to go to the entrance ceremony and going to get to look around the school. Kotaro looked excited, Kato looked bored, and I had a listless look on my face.

The walk to the auditorium was short, about five minutes. Once inside we took our seat and waited for the ceremony to start.

"Hello, kiddos, my name is Yamasaki Shanoto, I am your principle. As most of you should know this school is very different from most. Here you will be doing military training. You will be separated into different classes based on entrance test scores and the enrolment forms you filled out. Core classes such as math, reading, science, and history will be your first classes of the day. Your scores will determine the core classes you go to, or if you even have any core classes at all. Students that don't need to go to core class will be assigned to a classroom during this time to help other students. You will then go to your military class for the rest of the day. Military classes include ANBU, Marine, Airforce, Army, Doctor/Nursing, Engineer, and Chef training. After school, you will have time for club activities. Club tents will be set up in the school track field so you will have a chance to look at all the clubs. We do require every student to join a club if that be the student council or a sport. You can form your own club as long as you have three or more members. You will also learn how to handle money here. You will each be given 100,000 points to start off the school year. These will pay for your rent, food, clothing and other essentials, plus, entertainment. Each point is worth one yen. You can buy almost anything with these point. You will get more points at the end of every month. The number of points you get will be based on your test scores at the end of each month. If you want to you can get a job. Jobs will pay you every week. Clubs will also get a monthly allowance. Clubs low on money can do group jobs. That is all I have to tell you so I hope you have a great time while you are with us. Now, I would like the first year representative to step up and give a little speech of encouragement. Will Animy please come up to the podium," The Principle finished with a bow and went to the back of the stage and sat in an empty chair.

Then a girl with coal black hair, light tan brown eyes, and pale peach skin that almost had a white glow to it, walked up to the podium. She talked about how this year would be a good year and gave a positive speech to the whole first-year student body. Once she was done, the principal thanked her and introduced the teachers, student council members, and the other workers. The entrance ceremony took at least two hours and then we were out and ready to go on a tour of the school.

The school grounds were huge. Unlike most schools, this school was on its own island that was connected to Japan by a bridge. The school grounds are about 1000 square kilometers. These grounds contain student and employee housing, training grounds, gymnasiums, sports fields, a forest with a mountain, flatlands, desert lands, two beaches, the main school building, a huge water park, an amusement park, and a city. The city had restaurants, parks, stores, malls, and other entertainment buildings. Kato and Kotaro showed me around the city and told me about the rest of the island.

Once we got back to the school we headed to the track field where we found many tents. We walked around looking at each club's tent and decided to join the triathlon team. After that, we went to the store to buy ingredients for dinner. Before getting our allotted points, students must use their own money to get needed supplies from stores and other places.

When we got home I started to cook, the twins tried to help but ended up in my way so I sent them out into the living room while I finished. Dinner consisted of meatballs stuffed with diced noodles, and marinara sauce topped with cheese. On the side were broccoli cheese, strawberries, salad, and garlic bread. For dessert, I made a buttermilk panna cotta with raspberries. It was Italian night! I set the table and called the boys in for dinner. When they heard the call they almost ran into the dining room.

"Calm down the food isn't going anywhere you can relax," I assured them with a chuckle. They both looked down with a blush sneaking its way onto their cheeks.

"Sorry," They both apologized sheepishly.

"It's fine. Now come on, we don't want the food to get cold," I gestured over to the table. Once we were seated, we said our thanks and dug in.

"That was delicious," Kotaro commented.

"Yeah, it was!" Kato agreed.

"Thanks. I have dessert in the fridge I'll go get it," I smiled. I walked into the kitchen and got out the buttermilk panna cotta. I then went into the living room where they were already on the couch waiting for me. It had become a thing for us to eat dessert on the couch while watching anime.

"So what should we watch today," Kotaro asked grabbing the remote.

"Fairy Tail," We said at the same time. That was another weird thing we did Kato and I would pick an anime together and when dessert rolled around we would say it at the same exact time.

"Ok, Fairy Tail it is then," Kato chuckled. He chose the anime and we watch about ten or twelve episodes before we decided to turn it off and go to bed.


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Word count - 1035

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