I Love You - Chapter 8

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All their faces went red from embarrassment.

"Well, you see.....," Kato started.

"We just......," Alamo tried to finish but couldn't.

"Kinda, maybe......," Kotaro continued.

"All like you!!" Koya finished.

"Oh, but, uh, w-why," Mari stuttered.

"Because you're sweet and nice."

"You are smart and logical."

"You're generous and kind."

"You're beautiful and strong."

"Who wouldn't want to be with you!" They all shouted.

"So who do you like?" Kotaro asked.

"We promise that whoever you pick the rest of us will have no grudge against that person," Koya stated.

"W-well, um, I, uh, p-pick," I looked to them then to the floor.

They all leaned forward awaiting my answer.

"Well, I, um, I, uh," I stuttered on the verge of tears. I didn't want to reject them but I also didn't want to lead them on. My heart started to race and a couple of tears escaped from my eyes.

"I-I-I'm s-so-sorry, I-I can't return your feelings," I cried as I ran out the door going who knows where.

I could hear them yelling after me but I just couldn't stop and look at them. I ran and ran until I bumped into someone.

"S-sorry wasn't watching where I was going," I sniffled.

"Mari is that you? Are you ok?" I looked up to a familiar face. Amoto.

"No," I whispered.

"What's the matter?" He came down to the ground welcoming me into a comforting embrace.

"I just had to reject four people at the same time," I murmured loud enough for him to hear me.

"Who?" He asked in his gruff but silk voice.

"I bet you could guess," I smiled.

"I see. Well, let's go back and talk this out, ok" He smiled back.

"O-okay," I breathed out not wanting him to let me go. It just felt so right to be in his embrace. Now that I think about it, it always has felt right. Every time I was in distress he was always there to help calm me down.

He picked me up in his arms bridal style and started toward my dorm.

"I can walk you know," I mumbled under my breath.

"Yeah, I know," He said as he held me to his chest tighter.

I blushed at the contact but I also embraced it. Unconsciously I started to sniff him. He always smelled like a rainy day and the forest, which I loved. Plus, it always seemed to calm me down.

It took about ten minutes for us to get back to my dorm.

"You ready," Amato asked before opening the door with my keys.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I sighed.

"Ok, here we go."

He walked in with me in his arms. The first thing I noticed was that it was quiet. That worried me, it was never quiet here. I jumped out of Amato's arms and ran to the living room.

What I saw broke my heart. All four Alphas sat on the couch with their head hung in shame.

"Well, that's no way for an Alpha to sit," I joked with a small smile.

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