Chapter 1: Give Up (revised)

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Kanto: a place of pure origins and starts for some of the greatest trainers today. This place is also home to the famous Professor Oak, a Pokémon Professor dedicated to learning the origins of Pokémon.

And it is also home to our favorite duo.

Sixteen year old Ash and his partner, Pikachu, are racing back to their house to attempt to meet with Ash's mother after the Alola League had finished and Ash's adventure in the region had completed. Barely managing to win a heated battle with the professor and leaving with a heartfelt goodbye to the rest of the Alolan natives, he is finally on his way back home after what was an incredible experience in his eyes. Both him and Pikachu are excited to see his mother again after so long in Alola. With his Alolan Pokémon staying with Kukui and his friends from the region deciding to take further steps into their futures, Ash decided to make another step in his and find his next adventure.

Running down the path to his house, he smiled at the thought of eating his mothers homemade cooking once again. The thought of that made his mouth water as he approached the porch of his house. He knocked on the door.

"Hello? I'm home." He called out in earnest.

He could hear the locking mechanism on the door shifting just before the door opened to reveal an auburn haired lady with a smile on her face. "Welcome back honey!"

Ash braced himself for a death hug that he normally would experience, but didn't feel it. Instead, he looked up and just saw his mother with a happy look on her face. Ash tilted his head in slight confusion as well as Pikachu. His mother would normally pull him into a death hug at the next instant after he came home from a region. He thought something might be off, but put that in the back of his mind as his mother gestured for him to enter.

"Come on in. You have some visitors." She stepped inside. 

Ash stepped inside the house only to be greeted by many of his past traveling companions and a few of his rivals as well. Ranging from all of his companions from Kanto to Kalos along with his rivals Trip and Paul, Ash's house had never been more full than it was at this particular moment. It was a wonder the living room still had extra room left with all the people in there.

"Wow, all of you showed up? I didn't expect everyone here at one time." Ash said with a warm smile.

"Yeah... we all know each other, so we decided to meet up here." May said in a flat tone.

Ash didn't notice the odd tone in her voice as a question just crossed into his mind. "Wait... how could you all know each other? I never introduced Serena, Clemont or Bonnie to any of you."

"I invited them here Ash." Delia answered simply. "Now go ahead and get comfortable. I'll make some snacks."

"Thanks mom." Ash called out as she disappeared into the kitchen.

Ash sat down on the recliner as Pikachu fell into his lap. He looked at all of his friends politely, but couldn't help but feel a weird presence in the air. Almost like something wrong was going to happen. And whatever it was, it wasn't going to be pretty.

"So..." Ash decided to break the ice first. "How is everyone doing?"

Nobody answered the question. All of them stared Ash down with flat, almost angry looks on their faces. He could barely stand the looks he was having to fight against, and Pikachu was not doing any better. The small electric mouse was twitching with anticipation and anxiety coursing through him, making small sparks of static electricity course through his fur and cheeks.

"Alright Ketchum, listen up." Paul spoke up sternly.

Ash sensed the demanding tone in Paul's voice and widened his eyes in surprise. "What is it? Did I do something wrong?"

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