Chapter 9: Depression

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The sound continued to play in a simple rhythm that sounded to Ash's ears. It was the only thing that broke the protruding silence in the room next to the ER. He sat on the bench in silence as Pikachu and Espeon sat with him, both of them seeing him come back on Garchomp, making them curious. Garchomp stood near the glass, gazing at the young Electric type in the other room.

Ash was never this quiet, which didn't sit well with the others. He was told by Nurse Joy that Jolteon was lucky that the Shadow Sneak didn't hit anywhere else, otherwise he would've been in a cast. Ash was relieved to hear that, but Nurse Joy also said he would not be able to move excessively for a few days.

Ash was thinking about what else he should have done differently. The first thing that popped was to just give up the omelette, but Max's ego is so big that he probably wouldn't get away with that. The second was to alert the others, but this is his problem. He doesn't really want them involved with his former friends, but the tag battle, Ash had no choice. So now all he feels is slight depression.

"Why did I go through with it?" He asked himself.

"Pika pi..." The little mouse Pokemon patted his trainer for reassurance. He hated seeing him like this. A state of mind that little to nothing can fix except for time.

"Espe..." Even Espeon tried her own attempt at easing him by rubbing against his leg, an action that she normally only does for Anabel.

"Garr? Garrr..." Garchomp walked up to Ash and placed his claw on his trainer's shoulder, making Ash snap out of his trance.

He looked around and saw all three of them giving reassurance. He flashed a smile and pet each of them for a moment. "I appreciate that. Thanks. I'm just sad that it came to this."

All three of them nodded in understanding. Then Garchomp gave a determined glance, which shocked Ash for a brief moment until he knew what Garchomp wanted. He gave a smirk to the Land Shark. "Sure Garchomp. You get dibs on Max's full team if we face him."

"Garr!" Garchomp let out a cry of content, earning a chuckle from Ash.

He faced the glass screen once more. "Just a couple days Jolteon. I'll be back when you wake up."

He stood up and walked out of the side room, the others following suit, exiting into the main lobby, where Ash saw the others sitting and waiting for him. They all had fearful looks on their faces, which Ash already knew the purpose behind them.

He sighed. "Hey. How was the rest of your meals?"

Greta spoke first. "We didn't stay. How is he?"

"Stable. He's allowed to go in two days, but no excessive movement until two days after that."

"That's great to hear." Tucker stated.

Anabel then walked closer, sadness in her eyes. "Why?"

Ash frowned. "Why what?"

"You knew they were there, yet you said nothing. Anabel realized that after you left." Lucy stated.

Ash didn't meet their eyes. "I didn't want to worry any of you. You all wanted to eat there, so I put my concerns aside. But my luck isn't ways on my side, and Max saw me. So he got May and they tag teamed me. I used Jolteon cause the others were tired besides Garchomp, and I didn't want to use him first. I guess I should've."

Anabel put a hand over her chest. "Ash, we are your-"

"I know. But this is my problem to shoulder. So I kept it a secret." He cut her off. "My little issue shouldn't be holding any of you back."

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