Chapter 6: Encounters (revised)

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Ash frowned at hearing that match. He never expected to be facing anyone from his past so soon. Especially since this was the first round of the tournament. "It's really them?" He questioned in mild annoyance.

Anabel nodded, which earned a groan from Ash. "Ugh! Why did it have to be first round!"

"Just our luck I guess." Anabel muttered aloud.

"Well what about the others?" Ash asked curiously.

"Bonnie managed to get Sawyer like you said, and they are facing some random duo. Callum and Gloria are dealing with Pryce and Morty from Johto. Lillie is also facing another random duo, but the kicker is that Lillie is partnered with Hau."

"Really?" Ash asked mildly surprised.

"Mhm. You'll have to ask her tomorrow." Anabel said.

"What about the other brains?" Ash wondered.

"Nothing too special from what Lucy told me earlier, besides Thorton and Tucker getting Erika and Sabrina from the Kanto gym circuit. So it looks like you and I might have pulled the most interesting match." Anabel decided.

Ash nodded. "Seems like it. Why is Serena even in this tournament... more importantly, past the first round?"

"Well Caitlyn watched that match and told me that her opponent forfeited because of her title." Anabel inferred.

Ash's eye visibly twitched in anger. "...seriously?"


Anabel could feel the malice coming off of Ash. Normally, this would scare anyone normal, but the topic of his old friends getting title privileges has has always had an effect on him. His mood hardly affected the Salon Maiden, considering she had her own opinions about the group as well. "I'm going to enjoy beating those two."

"Same here." Anabel stated casually as Pikachu and Espeon voiced their agreement from the background. "Not like they will be a challenge anyways."

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Ash and Anabel tossed each other confused looks as Ash went and opened the door. Standing in the doorway as he opened it was a familiar young blonde who was giving a wondering look to the Castle Guardian.

"You guys did see your match for tomorrow, right?" She asked.

"Yeah. Your brother and Serena are on our hit list now." Ash stated bluntly, before he realized something. "Wait a second. How did you even get here?!" He questioned.

The Kalos native gave a sheepish glance. "Umm... I had some help." She pointed behind her, where Ash noticed that Callum and Gloria were standing there with amused expressions on their faces.

"How did you two even get up here?" Ash questioned.

"Being a Pokemon Ranger has some advantages, though not very many. After we saw the list, we really just came up here to make sure you didn't blow up anything." Callum explained, his smirk not leaving his face.

Ash scowled. "Hey! I actually have control over my aura now, thank you!" He shot.

"You'd still do it unintentionally." Gloria giggled.

Ash rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He turned his attention back to Bonnie. "Anyways, we'll be fine. Just don't be surprised if your brother is really annoyed for the next few days."

"Alright then." Then she saw Anabel through the doorway and smirked mischievously. "Sharing a room I see. How did you pull that off?"

Ash shrugged the comment off. "You can ask Scott. His plans changed when everyone started picking their roommates before Anabel and I got there."

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