Chapter Six: Fri, Day 14

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Lauren opened her eyes, shutting them almost instantly at how bright it was in the room. Not remembering the morning sun being so bright in her room. She opened her eyes just barely, shaking her non-dominant hand and getting her phone to check her messages. She had a few but none were from her father so she laid back down, her mind instead wondering to why her hand felt like she slept on it for hours.

The memories from the night before flooded her mind making her turn to see where Normani was. She sighed when the bed was empty, mentally preparing to have to get up earlier than she usually did since she wasn't in her own room.

There was a bathroom inside the room so Lauren went to that one, using it before she looked around for a spare toothbrush. She found a pack that only had one left, taking it and deciding she'd buy her more. Once she was done she threw water on her face before going to find Normani.

It wasn't that hard seeing as she was at her dining table, eating cereal and FaceTiming someone. Normani looked up and smiled as Lauren came closer before turning back to her phone.

"I gotta go. Text me the final details."

Lauren sat down at the table, waiting for the phone to hang up before speaking.

"I stole your last toothbrush. I'll get you some more."

She shrugged, waving her hand before gesturing to the bowl in front of her.

"You want breakfast?"

"Nah. Breakfast isn't really my thing."

"The way you talk about food I would think it was the most important meal of your day."

Lauren scoffed, standing back up and taking a few steps towards the kitchen.

"Coffee is the most important meal of the day."

Normani just waved her hand towards the kitchen, looking at her phone when it dinged.

"Have at it. I don't drink it. I put the coffee maker and stuff in the bottom cabinet."

Lauren opened the wrong side at first, opening the correct one and sighing as she pulled it out.

"Mmm I'm expecting this to be miles better than my hotels coffee."

She said out loud to herself as she got everything together to start brewing. Once it was starting, she sat in the chair across from Normani.

"So, what were you planning on doing today?"

"Well since you up and disappeared on me, I was planning on driving myself back to the rose garden to see the pond. And maybe get some more roses."

"So since I'm free now I guess that means I'm coming with."

"Do I have a choice now?"

Lauren shrugged and leaned back in her seat.

"I mean if you want to think you have one then by all means."

Normani scoffed, typing on her phone while she replied.

"The only reason I won't reply to that is because even if I tell you no, you'll still know where I'll be at."


Lauren said standing up and going to the coffee maker.

"You know me so well."

It all wasn't done but there was enough for her to get a cup. She added milk since there wasn't any creamer with the coffee stuff, and added a little bit of sugar before sitting back in her chair. She watched Normani type vehemently on her phone for almost a minute before she questioned.

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