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Natsu stared at the blue waters below.

His face was reflected on it, just as the bright sky was. This time, the hotness of the sun wasn't as painful as before.

He continued to stare like he was in deep thought.

His 'wish' was the only thing that filled his mind the entire day.

"Well!" Gray folded his arms, staring at the Captain as he gained its attention,

"I can't help but notice how lost you are in pure concentration right at this moment. So, what is it all about now?"

Natsu only gave him a bored look.

He proceeded to walk around his ship, the raven-haired seemed to enjoy following him.

"Any sign of enemy ship, Jet?!" he shouted at the watchman up at the crow's nest.

"Unfortunately, no Cap'n!" the man replied.

"That's supposed to be a good news," Levy murmured as she neatly gathered the old ropes at the side, with the help of gentle Mirajane.

With the Captain on the main deck. It was the first mate's job to operate behind the wheel in his place.

"Captain!" Erza called out from the elevated platform, her hands on the steer, "Tenroujima Island is up ahead! Are we to stop by its port?!"

He considered it for a moment as he looked up at her.

Not for long, he gave an order,

"We dock at Tenrou for the night!"

He said it loud so everyone would hear.

Then he headed straight to the Captain's quarter where his chamber was, the part located just below the platform.




As the night rose and the color of the ocean dimmed, the members of the crew descended the White Pearl.

They just arrived at the island's harbor.

As planned, they all got off the ship's deck.

Except for the Captain.

"Staying behind again?" Laxus knowingly turned to Natsu who was standing by the mast, waiting for each of them to leave.

The scarred blonde was the last of his men left on board.

"I have something important to do."

Was his firm reply.

His intention to stop by the port was mainly to drop off his crew. He had other things to attend to. Surely, they could await his return.

"Where are you going?"

Natsu just smirked,

"Don't worry. I'll be back soon."

"Should I accompany you?"

A moment passed by until the chief finally made himself clear, noting the end of their conversation.

"No. Take care of everyone."

Laxus stared at him, longer than intended.

He was about to try and convince him again that someone should go with him. But he gave up in the end. Orders are orders after all, not to be defied.

"Understood," he sighed, "Be cautious, the sea could be dangerous."

A picture of Lucy's beaming face crossed his mind.

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