Chapter 1: Is it just me?

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Rionna Huntwood watched the raindrops fall on the window right beside her as she waited for Nathan in Chui's cafe. Mallory, the kind waitress, didn't say anything but raise an eyebrow at the fourth order of hot chocolate as Rionna sat waiting in her new mint green dress that Nathan liked on her.

She checked the time on her phone- 6:37pm

Nathan should've been here 2 hours ago.

She scrolled through their messages again. Nathan had already explained earlier that he was going to be late because he had a meeting at Mercant Digitals. She understood it was really important for him to get this project confirmed, because he had been working on his new software for the last 6 months and he said it will change everything.

The cafe's door opened and she looked up, giving a little smile as Nathan walked in, rain droplets falling from his grey coat and blonde hair. He turned to her and had that "I'm sorry. Things just got in the way" smile on his face as he walked towards her.

When he reached her, he leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Sorry, babe. I just got caught up in the meeting. I wanted everyone to see my new software and it's got so many awesome features that could help this other company and you know what happened? They all thought it was a great idea!  I'm gonna make thousands out of it right in the beginning!"

"That's amazing Nathan!"

"Yeah! I'm sorry that you had to wait longer though, you know I didn't mean to."

"It's okay. At least something good happened," I shrugged it off and smiled.

"Sure did." And that's when I saw that wide smile that captured my heart 2 years ago, but one that I was rarely seeing these days. 

"Has everything been okay, Nathan? Apart from work?"

His smile became a bit hesitant this time, and it had taken me a while to recognize that Nathan hadn't been as comfortable and easy-going with me these days either.

"Yeah, yeah... I mean... we're alright aren't we!" he raised his arms.

"Yeah. Of course."

"Now what do you wanna eat? Its on me."

I was full from drinking all the hot chocolates, but said I wanted to eat the quiche and we waited in awkward silence for the orders to come- well, more on my side I guess, because Nathan went straight to his phone to text someone. Sometimes I'm really concerned why Nathan's job demands so much of his time even outside of work.

Rionna wanted to get his attention. Talk about her day at the florist shop, how she met an old grumpy customer who thought some of the flowers were looking like they were wilting and almost dead. Well, they weren't! She took care of all the flowers, so maybe it was just his deteriorating eyesight from his ripe old age of 70 that she guessed he was. She wanted to tell him about how her mom called the other day, was asking about Nathan, while he was out with his friends that night getting drunk on one of their Guys night. 

Something suddenly made him smile as he was reading over the texts and quickly typing back. After a few more minutes, the food came and Rionna stomached down the quiche despite the uneasy feeling in her stomach, and listened on as Nathan talked about his amazing new software. 

As they drove to her apartment, Rionna thought about how their date had been a bit draining for her. Was she doing something wrong? Was it just her who felt like their communication was a bit off recently? That their relationship was straining?

When they reached her apartment, Rionna opened the door with her keys and turned around to give little goodbye kiss to Nathan. Nathan, however, had other plans. He deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue inside as one hand held her hip and the other was travelling up to one of her breasts, molding it when it came in reach. Clearly he wanted to have sex tonight, but Rionna wasn't feeling it today and just wanted to change into her PJ's and get under the warm blankets to sleep in.

"Nathan... Um-I just don't feel like it today. Is that okay?"

His mouth left mine for a second as he whispered "it's alright...We can just take it slow today" and then he came back down on me again. I could feel his 2 days stubble scraping my cheek, his hardness jutting out through his jeans and almost painfully pressing into me as he began grinding. I wasn't feeling aroused this whole time and that's when I decided I just couldn't give him what he wanted today. My body wasn't responding.

So I tried to gently push him away, "I'm sorry, but I don't think I want to do this tonight. Maybe some other day? I'm just so tired and-" he cut me off with a sigh and stepped away from me. His blue eyes met with my own worried hazel ones.

"Really, Rionna? You see, I'm kind of hard right now and it's gonna be really painful for me, but you know what? I'm feeling tired now too. I'll see you tomorrow..." and he turned around and left just like that. Few moments later I heard his car screech as it quickly drove off.

Does he mean he's tired of our relationship, of me? Or am I just interpreting this all wrong and overthinking it? I wish I didn't have to refuse and make him angry, but my body just wasn't reacting well to his touch. 

I walked inside my apartment, shutting the door, then checked up on my camellias, watering them and then paying my bills on my phone and checking my emails. 

Ooh! There was one from Carrie. She also works with me in the florist shop and she's one of my best friends, because we can relate so much, with both being 24, and we both love watching Quantico to see Alex kick some ass. Cause we both know we can't kick ass, but we still believe that we'll learn how to if we keep watching more episodes.

I read the email:

Blooming Festival on the 5th of February. Bring in your best flowers collection for the show if you think you have some special flowers to display.

Hmmm... That's only 2 weeks away. I went into my bedroom, dropped my phone on the bed, and quickly changed into some warm PJ's like I had planned. I cleaned up the apartment a little brushed my teeth clean and turned all the lights off before I snuggled under the covers to sleep, listening to the pitter patter of the rain outside.

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