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"Levi Ackerman"
I don't know if I drew this right but I had fun makin't it. He's Levi Ackerman from AoT btw, mah favorite character. I messed up the hair so just focus on his eyes. I putted extra effort in drawing that.
If you want to know how to add those shadowing with lots of dots, there's a tutorial below. If you don't want just skip it.
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First, add a new layer by taping the plus button with the orange circle.
Second, tap the button with the green circle on then tap the Screen Tone next and choose which tone you like. I prefer the Dot L4 for the shadowing btw.
Here's the Screen tones and how they look like. They are all on 40% opacity except the normal.
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Third, tap the brush with the blue circle on then choose your brush and size. Always adjust your brush size based on the area you will draw. If it's big, make it big and vice versa.
Fourth, draw on the area that needs shadowing.
Fifth, clean using the eraser. Just tap the button besides the brush and it will be an eraser. Lower the opacity of your layer by adjusting the line with the sky blue rectangle on to make the cleaning easier.
Lastly, adjust the opacity of the layer in any percentage you want. The opacity on the shadowing of Levi there was just 13%.