Happily weird

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Muse POV

"I can't believe I saw her again for 2 years, I haven't saw her around not at school not even in our neighborhood,
I missed her smile her laugh I should be angry at her but drop dead I'm not
I'm some what happy in a weird way God I'm confused " muse breathe out telling Zack..

Zack was amused by hearing his best friend  telling him about zara,  Zack always liked her she was just calm, loving and inviting don't forget that.

"So your saying you saw her again for like eternity, u finally laid eyes on her and you should be angry but instead your happy " Zack voiced out looking at muse with his dark brown eyes and smirking, then fold his arms across his broad muscular chest.

Muse shake his head and wonder why Zack is his friend..
"That's what I just said, why are you even my friend?" Muse ran his across his face frustrated and let out a sigh..
"I want to believe she didn't burn it down, you know I just need the full story, I feel like something is missing, and I'm going to find out every inch of the information I'm bound to get " muse finished looking confident

"I'm 100% with you on that" answered  Zack..

* * ********************"*""""""""

Zara was confused, she left work instantly as she bumped into mused he was angry, moreover the spitting image of the devil when he's mad, she paced to and fro in her room..
She didn't know what to do, so she did one thing she hope she won't regret, she called kels she really needed someone to talk to, even her family left her when she wanted them the most..

" hey kels can u come over she said with tears in her eyes " she end the call and wipes away a tear that fell from her eyes  ..
Minutes later kels arrived and knocked the door, Zara opened it and let her in.
" are you ok, you look like you been crying" she said hugging her.
"I saw muse today and I feel guilty like I've done something wrong he was pissed at me, I couldn't even looked at him " zara voiced out feeling heartbroken and dilapidated.

Kels hugged her and deep down she knew its time to spill the beans, she have to give her statement to the cops, after all the case is reopen.. She hate to see her best friend looking so broken she's not the Zara that she knew shes broken and shattering she didn't deserved this, I'm her best friend after all..
"Zara  I haven't been honest with you, and I know I should have give my statement then and now its tearing you apart because you are innocent  and Maya and sue have to pay for it because they did it " kels finished with tears in her eyes getting up from off the worn out sofa..
" I'm going to do that what I've should have done the moment u were arrested"

"What is that?" Zara asked confused

"Give my statement " kels replied

With that said she left the house, zara was crying not because of the previous incident but because when she go back to court she won't be the to go the jail...

This is it, drop ur comments and vote if you think that this is going somewhere.
It means a lot
****Love always pep****

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