Chapter 4

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"So who are you setting me up with?" Doon asked as we sat in the car.

"You'll see." Lyte said, with a mischievous glint in her eyes. I'm starting to like this girl more and more.

The rest of the ride was quite, so I'm going to take the time to 'describe' everyone, like 'good' writers do.

The Limo was pretty big, Zane was riding backwards and I was next to him, but since the seat curved I was in the corner. Jadette was on my other side, riding sideways. Next to her was Dylan; on his other side was Doon. That was all on one L-shaped bench. On another bench, that was only facing forward, was Lyte and Luke.

Okay, first off, there's me. You probably already know what I look like, but I go over it once again. I was average height for a fifteen/sixteen year old girl. I had jet-black hair that curled into soft ringlet curls, but was easy to straighten if I wanted. My eyes were dark brown or black; dark eyelashes framed them. I had porcelain skin that was almost white. Honestly, I looked like any other Goddess of Darkness. The only differences were my fingers. Gods and Goddesses of the Darkness have long, narrow fingers that were slightly bony. God and Goddesses of Light have long and narrow fingers too, but they weren't bony at all. Not that I'm complaining.

Then there's my boyfriend Zane. He was eighteen. I'm going off topic a bit here, but let me explain this. Our school isn't broken up into 'grades' its broken up into I.Q. levels, so you could be seventeen and still be in what humans call '1st Grade'. Anyway, Jadette and I went up to a really high level since we both had personal tutors. So we were in classes with kids two to four years older than us, that's how I met him, and that is why us dating with our two, almost three, year age difference is normal. Okay, back on topic. Zane looks a lot like any other god of the underworld, except his skin. He was really tan, like I mean really tan. He never knew his father so we don't know what the skin comes from (Heaven god, Earth god, etc.)... He had dark eyes and hair that was sort of spiked up, but not in a dorky way. He also had a sexy six-pack, but that wasn't showing (a girl can wish though, right?). Any way, he was wearing simple jeans and a shirt that said 'Silence is Golden. Duck Tape is Silver.' Which he loves to wear to movies because of the whole 'Silence is Golden' ad thing.... he had on a pair of black converse if anyone was wondering.

Jadette was really pretty. I admit it, not that I'm in the closet or anything, but she's pretty. She had wavy dark brown hair with bangs that came down to her eyebrows. She had dark brown eyes that were all done up with make up. She was wearing, a grey t-shirt with 'Happiness is overrated' in big letters and a penguin guy, a pair of short jean shorts and black converse. She was my age, well she was sixteen... but you know.

Dylan was pretty much just another god of the underworld; dark hair dark eyes... basics. He had on jeans and a black shirt that read, 'Hello my name is Inigo Montoya You Killed My Father Prepare To Die' in red capitol black letters. He also had on black converse. Yes, converse are the big thing in the underworld. He was eighteen, only two years older than us.

Doon was once again, a god of the underworld, so what colored eyes and hair does he have? That's right black! Good job! How did you know? Anyway, he was wearing jeans, which is what most guys wear around here, and a pair of converse, shocker. He was wearing a black shirt that says, 'You are not wanted here, go away.' in white typewriter letters. He was nineteen, FYI.

Luke was a god of the underworld so he had.... you know what, I don't want to say it again. Figure it out. He had on jeans and converse, and a grey shirt with a pink starfish thing with green and purple pants on, with a board nailed into his forehead, a hammer in his hand, with the word Fail next to him... I guess it was kind of funny. Oh yeah, Luke was nineteen.

I really don't feel like describing Lyte again, but I will. She was pretty. Wavy blonde hair, blue eyes... the whole heaven god package. She was wearing the shorts and the dirty blonde tee.

Anyway... we were at the movies now. When everyone saw the limo the just kept walking. I was in town so much, it meant nothing that the princess and future queen was in town... The only person who stopped was Cleone.

She looked pretty, in a casual way. No one would ever guess she was a princess. She had her brown hair up in a high ponytail. She had on black skinny jeans, a long white shirt, and high hot pink converse. When we got out of the car she walked over to Lyte.

"Who's this?" She asked, indicating Luke.

"My friend Luke." Lyte responded.

"Your friend or your friend..." On the second friend, Cleone did something no princess should ever do in public, and I probably shouldn't write it down. And being the sweet half sister I am, I won't....

"Which do you think?" Lyte asked like Cleone was an idiot, which Lyte was hanging on Luke's arm.

"That's what I thought." Cleone. "How old?"

"Nineteen." Luke answered.

"Damn!" Cleone. She turned to me, "Okay, who are you setting me up with?" She cut right to the chase; I think she's my favorite. I pointed to Doon, "Damn! He sexy!" She bounded over to him and they started talking.

I felt an arm go around my waist from behind and leaned back into Zane's chest.

"They make a good couple." I stated.

"Hm." He rested his chin on the top of my head.

"I'm a good matchmaker aren't I?"

"You are."

"What's up with the puny responses?" I turned around to face him. I wrapped my arms around his neck; his were still around my waist.

"I'm debating something."

"And what might that be?"

"You know your 'coming of age' ball thing you have on your birthday?" he asked.

I nodded. Every 'noble woman'/princess, has a big ball on their sixteenth birthday to celebrate them coming of age.

"I was debating whether to ask you to be my date before or after the movie." He had a smirk on his face.

"I don't know, I think af.... wait. You just asked me didn't you?" He smiled, "Oh my god! Yes!" I hugged him tighter.

Now for those of you who don't know, in the underworld, the heirs ascend the throne when they turn eighteen. And princesses taking the throne need to have a husband/fiancée to ascend, guys don't need to have a queen though, sexist, yes, I know. But since there is only a two-year span of time between the ball and coronation, and the fact the date for the ball is usually someone really special, the princess usually marries the man she goes to the ball with. Everyone knew that. Everyone, even the souls in the punishment area.

Which means Zane just asked me to the ball. He is of noble blood, he knows how that works. Does that mean, in a way, he just asked me to marry him?

Had I just said yes to marrying my 'high school sweetheart'?

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