Chapter 8

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"Drop the knife. Now!" I yelled. Lyte and I stepped forward.

"Why should I?" Cleone taunted, digging the dagger deeper into Erana's throat.

"Um, because if you don't we'll take you down!" Lyte yelled, pretending to think at first.

"And how do you propose to do that?" She asked.

"Um hello? Devil? Angel? Any of this ringing a bell?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oh, that's right! And your point is?" She released Erana and stepped forward.

"The two most powerful..."

"SLEEP!" Cleone yelled throwing her arm up at Erana, who had tried to grab the dagger from her sister. Erana promptly crumpled to the floor. "Go on..." She said to us in an overly sweet voice.

"We are the two most powerful beings known to God! How do you suggest you are going to beat us?" I asked.

"Lyte, sister dearest, show me your angel..." Cleone demanded.

"Fine." Lyte flicked her wrists. Nothing. She did it again. Still nothing.

"Lyte, stop fooling around." I muttered under my breath.

"I'm not!" She muttered back.

"That's because earlier, I was making a couple pit stops. First our daddy, then my mother..."

"So..." I asked. The entire crowd was just watching the three of us.

"I am now an orphan." She stated.

"And..." Lyte asked.

"CRAP!" I yelled. And with that, I flicked my wrists. And suddenly, I was ten feet in the air. My body was all red, I had horns, and fire was all around me. Honestly, I looked like a man. A devil man. "Well, you need to kill me to become completely powerful!" I yelled, I sounded like a man too.

"Bring it on, Bitch!" She shouted in the same tone Erana had been using all week.

"You're the goddess of minds and body aren't you?" I asked.

"What was your first hint?" She smirked. And suddenly she was eye level with me.

Now if you could imagine a huge ball of rock, I mean like ten-feet in diameter big, with legs and arms. That's what mother earth looks like. Personally, I think it looks more like a father earth, but whatever. Anyway, then combined with the angel, it grows white, fluffy wings and a small halo. Honestly, if I didn't hardly stand a chance, I'd be laughing my ass of right now...

"You possessed Erana! You made her say all these things to us!" I yelled, still in my man's voice.



"To finish my mother's plan."


"I wasn't the one who killed my mother. Someone did, but I don't know. Lyte didn't kill your mother when she was born. No Queen of Darkness could be killed from having a child, whether it was a child of light or not... My mother killed her. And I intend to be the one to finish her plan..."

"Which would be...?" Lyte called from ten feet below us.

"To put earth back on the map of mythical places! Everyone knows that Mount Olympus and the Underworld belong to the gods! But how many know that the Earth does too! Huh! After tonight, everyone will... One I become the most powerful being of all time!"

"Dark?" Zane called.

"Not now!"

"No seriously! This is important!"


"You aren't at full power! The devil should be like twenty feet tall at least!" Well, this was news to me.

"That's because she's sharing the power, three ways." A new voice said from the entrance we had just came from.

We all turned to look at the newcomer. She had black hair and eyes. Her skin was pale white and she had a small tiara on top of her head.

"Mom." I breathed out.

"Cleone, your mother didn't honestly think she could kill the Queen of Darkness, the Goddess of Death, did she?" My mother asked, and she started to grow. Up and up, until she was just as tall as me.

"How?!" Cleone/rock thing yelled.

"Uh. Hello? Goddess of Death? I kinda control who dies you know..."

"Well, I see where Dark gets her personality from..." Cleone muttered.

At this point, I was doing my best to not faint. I just found out that my mother was alive.

'Dark. Teleport to your room. Mom and I will take care of it.' Lyte's voice came into my head.

'I can't! Plus you don't have your pow- how are you doing this?'

'Mom said you were sharing it three ways... who else would have them?' As she said that, she started to glow, and suddenly, she was standing beside me, as the third devil.

"Damn! The women in this family are badass!" I heard Luke yelled.

"Now, Cleone. You have five seconds to get out of this realm. Or else there will be dire consequences." My mother threatened.

"I've worked too hard for this! I don't give up like my pathetic father!" She yelled, and with that, a giant beam of blinding white light shot at us from her hand.

Instinct took over. I raised my arm and a ray just like hers came out. Just as powerful, just as big, and as black as her's was white.

The two beams met in the middle, but her's was advancing towards me.

"Mom, Lyte. A little help would be nice!"

"I can't!" Mom.

"Can't!" Lyte.

"Lyte put your hand on her shoulder!" My mom yelled. They both put their hands on my shoulder, and they started to shrink. But as they shrunk, foot by foot, I grew feet by feet. By the time they were normal size, I was triple my usual devil size.

And I thrust my arm forward. My beam gained a bit. I thrust again. It gained a bit more. I did this until the beams both met in the middle. Then, Cleone did something that surprised me. She drew back her beam. I let mine come back to me. Just as it was almost gone, she shot hers back out. The key word in that sentence: almost.

Just as her's was about to hit me, I threw mine back out. The combined power made a huge boom, a flash of light. And then I saw nothing. I heard nothing. All I felt was falling and falling. I was going. Going. Gone.

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