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Written by Mega_Swampert32

I looked back. I ran, seeing the UF soldiers hunt down resisting citizens. I ran through the snow, freezing half to death. I saw a rusty steel bunker, dug into the ground. I went in, only to see men sitting around old technology in blue camo tank tops and cargo shorts. Bullet-ridden blue camo armour lined the walls. Some, however, were immaculate. I thought that they were a terrorist group, until one interupted my thoughts by stepping over to me.

"You one of them?" He said, holding me at gunpoint with a Remmington 870.

"No!" I said, holding my hands up. I was being chased by them!

"Fair enough," The man grunted,"What's your name?" He stared at me with dark, yet empty eyes.

'Harry Gedges' I thought, but instead, I said,"Gary Hedges," knowing that people might recognize my real name as the guy who blew up the reactor and caused this desolate land.

"I'm Wayne," Theman said,"Leader of the Renegades of Earth."

'More like high guy,' I thought.

My flashback was interupted by a UF sargent trowing a grenade. I ran, and the explosion followed me for 3 yards.

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