your first kiss (ii)

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JJ: You and JJ have been good friends for a while and recently JJ had asked you to film a cover with him and you said yes. Though you weren't a cover Youtuber you had done several covers and released your own music. You had decided to sing "Take Care" by Drake and Rihanna, JJ would rap Drake's part and you would sing Rihanna's part. You could also play the piano and the drums, so you offered to play the music and JJ accepted. You recorded the song at the Sidemen house in his room. You were in the middle of the recording the music when JJ said to you "Can you teach me to play the piano?" "Umm, yeah. You want me to show you now or after we finished?" "Now if that's okay" "Yeah, sure" you say smiling at him. You teach him the notes on the piano to begin with, then show him how to play the basic melodies. You come back the next morning and when you walk into the room JJ called you over to the piano. "Hey, look at this." He plays the beginning of the song "How long did it take you to learn that?" You say as you sit down next to him. "Just a couple of hours. It's not very good but you know i tried." He says with a little laugh "Nah, nah. It's decent" you tell him. He gives you a smile. You finish recording the piano and as you recorded the drums part at home, you went to recording the singing. JJ went first and recorded his part. Though, people gave JJ a lot of shit for his rapping, you honestly thought he was quite good and enjoyed his music. "We all have our nights, though, don't be so ashamed ..." As he was singing you found yourself, gazing at his features. You always knew he was decent looking, but looking at him now you realised how good looking he was. "To save you ... instead they say:" As JJ finishes his part you give him a little clap "Whoop, whoop!!" You cheer. JJ lets out a laugh "Thank you" he says giving a little bow, getting you to let out a giggle. "So for Interlude, which is sung by Scott-Heron, who did you want to do that?" You ask JJ "I don't know. Umm I might ask Randolph if he has time. If not I'll do it" "Ok, shall we do my part now." "Yeah, if you want obviously" "K, cool". You stand in front of the microphone and put the headphones on. JJ hits record on the computer "Ready?" JJ asks, hovering over the play button. You give him the thumbs up and suddenly you hear the music dancing through your ears. "I know you've been hurt by someone else. I can tell by the way you carry yourself..." A couple times during the song, you look up to see JJ gazing at you with a smile on his face. Making you blush, but you carry on concentrating on singing the song. "I'll take care of you. I've loved and I've lost." As you finish the song you look up to see JJ moving towards you. "Was that okay?" "Yeah, amazing. You are incredible at singing" "Thanks, but I'm not incredible." JJ moves closer to you "You are" he says as he leans closer almost touching your lips, but stopping as if waiting for your ok. You hold him by his neck and bring him close enough for the two of you to kiss. This kiss was firm but sweet, every part of your body tingling. You felt warm inside. As your lips part, JJ says "We should record songs more often" You let out a laugh and lean in to kiss him again.

Ethan: Ethan and you had been on a couple of dates over the last month and for your third he took you to a crazy golf course. You wouldn't that good at golf but neither was Ethan, so it would be a good laugh. Ethan picked you up in his car and drove the two of you to the golf course. "So, I'm not the best at golf but I definitely think I'm going to beat you." "What makes you think that?" You said "I have two reasons. One, you already told me you are't very good. And two, I've played enough damn golf with friends to be a professional golfer." "Well playing and being good at it are two very different things" "Ahh, that hurt Y/N" he laughed "But it is true" You joined in with his laughing. Almost both in sync. You arrived at the golf course and collected your golf clubs and ball, and started your way around the 13 hole course. To say you two were bad was an under statement. You kept missing the hole when the ball was close to the hole and every time you do so Ethan would erupt with laughter. Always saying the same phrase "Ha, ha. I thought I was bad" "You can't say much, that shot you missed earlier was tragic" "Right" Ethan says as he moves to get into position to hit the ball "I will prove you wrong with this magically, amazing, beautiful shot." Ethan hits the ball and completely misses "Fuck!!" He whispers silently as there were children around. "Ha! Who's tragic now" "Shhh" he shouted at you. You two move through the next few holes at a slow pace. "No!!" Ethan shouted, as completely missed the hole for a second time. After several more tries, Ethan manages to get the ball in 10th hole. "That means I'm leading by ..." You check the points sheet "6 points!" "Ughh" Ethan moans, irritated by how bad he was. "Ok, if you win, I will treat you to whatever you want" Ethan looked at you, his eyes filled with hope. "Deal" he smiles "Ok, but be ready to lose" "I don't need to cause I know I'm going to win". As the two of you went through the last three holes, it was like someone had swap places with Ethan. He was getting the ball into the hole on the second or third time, where as you got it in the fifth or sixth try. He was speeding ahead of you. After you had finished the course, the two of you handed in your golf balls and clubs and you counted up the scores. "Uhhh, you beat me by 8 points" "I told you I'd win he said" gloating, wearing a massive grin on his face. "You must have had the motivation from my promise to buy you something" "Yeah ... and speaking of that. We had a deal if remember correctly" "Yes, we did" you said while nodding your head "So, what do you want?" Silence lingered as Ethan started to think "If it's okay with you ... I'd like to kiss you" You were taken a back for a second at Ethan's request, not that you didn't want to. You were just slightly surprised. "It's fine if you don't want to" Ethan said. You stepped closer to him, removing the space between you two. "A deal is a deal" you smile. Ethan leans forward and presses his lips against yours, you held your breath slightly. Still shocked by it. You wrapped one of your arms around his neck, while he held your cheek in the opposite to yours. When your lips parted, Ethan looked at you and you looked at him. Not saying anything, standing in comfortable silence. Taking in the moment.

Harry: The past few months had been absolutely amazing. Your Youtube channel had hit it off and you now had 100,000 subscribers and you loved every single one of them. You had also gained some of the most amazing friends you could ask for. Talia Mar, Gee Nelson, Freya Nighingale, Emily Geere and Nia Pickering. You had also made friends with a group of boys called the Sidemen. In the group was JJ, Ethan, Josh, Vik, Simon and Harry, they were lovely boys. You loved your friends with all your heart. You and a couple of the others decided you wanted to go for a night out. Not celebrate anything, but just for some fun. Before you went out Freya and Gee came over to your apartment to get ready with you "So who's coming again tonight" I ask whilst doing my makeup "Umm, Tobi, Saoirse, Callux, Chip and who else" Freya asked looking at Gee "Harry. Oooo you excited Y/N" Gee teased "What do you mean?" You say "Oh come on Y/N" Freya said "He clearly has a crush on you" "No, he doesn't" "Y/N he does, he always smiles around you and tries to be close to you" Freya says, trying to convince you "No he doesn't" you replied "What do you think of him? Do you like him?" Gee asked "I don't know" Secretly you had always liked Harry, he was kind, funny and good looking, but you didn't think he liked you. Anyway once you, Freya and Gee had finished getting ready, you headed to the club to meet the others. By the time you got there everyone else had arrived and were by a table near the back. Almost straight away you spotted the blonde boy known as Wroetoshaw. He spotted you a few seconds after and gave you a bright smile, which you returned happily. The night was filled with drinks and laughs and everyone making fools of themselves. Every now and then you would look over to see Harry gazing at you, which made you blush like hell. A lot of the night, Freya and Gee's comments about Harry played through your head. Did he actually like you? Or was it just you hoping? Eventually the night came to the end and everyone went home, with the smell of alcohol on their breath, where as you and Harry decided you wanted to go and get chips. You were waking down the cobblestone path, not very well, that didn't matter because you were both drunk and hungry. You got outside the chip shop, with the queue was just outside the door. "Ahhh, I'm so hungry" You moaned "Me too, all I want is cheesy chips" Harry said quite loudly "Errr, you like cheesy chips, that's yuck" you remarked "How rude Y/N!! And to think I have a crush on you" As soon as he said that he went dead silent. It clearly slipped out in his drunken state. You looked at him stunned. What Gee and Freya had been true and it wasn't just you hoping. "Really?" You said "You have a crush on me?" You say with a smile. Harry was looking at his feet, trying to hide his embarrassment "Yeah, I do. But you know it's fine if you don't feel the --" You cut him off mid sentence with a kiss. It clearly took him by shock as he didn't kiss back straight away and his hands stayed by his side. But eventually, he kissed you back, holding you close to him. A warm fuzzy feeling started rise in your stomach, not only from the alcohol, but from the way he was kissing you. It felt right.

A/N = I hope you enjoyed these ones as well as the last ones. I also have had some lovely comments, so thank you 💕 Again I apologise for bad grammar, spelling and punctuation. Also, I recommend you listen to the song "Take Care" by Drake and Rihanna it's really good. Next part should be soon ...

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