first date

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Simon: Laser Zone - it was a cute playful date, neither of you wanted a classic boring date. you ended up beating him.

Vik: Dinner at his - vik was nervous about cooking it, but you really enjoyed it. simple yet sweet date.

Josh: Cinema - you were nervous which josh found really cute. You went to watch an action movie and got a nandos after.

Tobi: Picnic at Hyde Park - tobi went all out, got all your favourite snacks. lounged in the sun together, soaking up each other's company.

JJ: Dinner - you went to a small chinese restaurant in london that JJ liked. it was romantic but still fun and you both joked around.

Ethan: Ice Skating - you and ethan wanted to get in that festive feeling. it was so jokes as you both kept falling over and into other people.

Harry: Bowling - harry lowkey chose this to show off his bowling skills. you weren't amazing at it and harry made fun of you, but also helped you out.

A/N - How are you all? Hope this new part is alright x

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