Chapter VI: Death at the doorway.

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Sophia had just woken up from her sleep, and still it was late. To her left was a window looking down on the kingdom and the houses below. To her right, was her sleeping husband. Bruises of all kinds covered his body, as well as little pricks of where thorns used to be. His chest was bare, and his lower half was as well but covered by the blanket. Sophia had been wearing one of Tiberius' tunics, and her underwear. She mumbled lowly to herself as to why she couldn't have been sleeping before getting up, and walking to the restroom.

From Tiberius' room there was a bathroom all the way down the hall from where his room was. Sophia could have also use the one in his room, but for some reason, she either forgot about it, or chose not to. She met many people walking down the halls but there was one she had the most interest in. Mercy had been standing at the end of the hallway, wearing all armor including her helmet, talking to Holden who had been wearing everything but his helmet. They had been talking about god knows what for the longest, and had watched as some people walked down the hall but when Sophia had walked by the were watching her for the longest more specifically- Mercy.

"Excuse me for a moment Holden." she said as she walked past him and followed Sophia to down the hall. Sophia had just about walked into the bathroom before Mercy waited outside the door for her to finish. It was about 3 minutes, before the girl opened the door and was shoved inside by the peacekeeper. "Goodness!" She shouted and was muffed the sound of the door slamming. Mercy had been blocking the door and Sophia had been standing by the farthest wall, in the corner. She felt nervous now, the tunic had barely covered her underwear, but Mercy didn't care for any of that.

"C-Can I help you?" Sophia mumbled trying to relax. Mercy only turned her head more to that side when Sophia spoke. "Who are you?" She asked the woman before Mercy made small steps towards the girl. "TIBERIUS!!!" Sophia shouted at the top of her lungs before Mercy covered her mouth. Sophia kicked and screamed as loud as she could making all sorts of noise. Apollyon's room wasn't too far so if she made as much noise as possible then maybe she could warn someone about what was going on.

Mercy stood over Sophia and pulled her dagger from her leather holster and raised it to the girl's throat threatening ebem to sneeze and slice her vocal cord. "Please- Why are you doing this" Sophia whispered. "Shut it you heathen." Mercy said, and pinched it closer to the girls' throat. "Sophia?" Apollyon called, knocking on the door. "Sophia why are you making so much noise in there is something wrong?" "APOLLYON HELP ME!!!" She shouted, before the door was kicked open. "Mercy, what in the hell is the matter with you. Get off of my son's wife."

Mercy did as told and climbed off of Sophia and looked down to her, through her armor she had been making all sorts of angered and twisted expressions. "Forgive me Sophia," Apollyon said, as she scolded the peace-keeper, and detoured her from the room. "That is the last time- I will allow you to attack someone- I understand you have your case of schizophrenia, but you need to understand- we are your family. Not your enemy. " Apollyon pulled the woman near her, "Stay away from my daughter-in-law. You may be my side-arm, but that doesn't mean our trust won't crumble if you take someone away from me, especially her".

Sophia hugged her legs, as she could hear other talking from down the hall as Tiberius and Holden appeared. "Come on my bride. I'll take you back to the room." Tiberius said yawning and brushing his morning fuzz away from his eyes. He picked up Sophia, and carried her from the room. Bridal Style.

Holden looked down to the tiny woman as Apollyon had finished her scolding lesson. "Was this your idea of 'wanting revenge'?" Holden asked, and Mercy looked up to him, he couldn't see it, but he knew.. She was smiling. Holden shook his head as he went with with Apollyon to the war room, "She's just jealous Holden". 

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