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This is a very personal collection of some of the poems I've been writing for a couple of years now.

The need to share my thoughts with you was prevalent even before. But nowadays, my thoughts are brewing up storms caged inside my mind. So, I've decided to set them free.

These poems are very important for me, as they are the words that have stumbled out of me when I was in some of my most vulnerable states. So, I am proud of my work even if it is not extremely brilliant.

It is hard to express my exact feelings at the moment so I'm going to end this.

I just hope that my words succeed in bringing out your emotions. I hope they make you laugh and cry ...   preferably at the same time.


I've tried to write a few stories of my own as experiments and I've failed miserably.I realized that it's because my attention span is that of a goldfish and my thoughts do not like to stay at one place for long.

                   So, I did what I do best. Poetry.

My style of writing may seem a bit over the top or ridiculous to some and that's alright but I would appreciate it if you would keep your hate to yourself.

This is a positive-vibes-only book and I mean it.

There are going to be poems on different themes but not hate, depression, self-harm, self-pity or jealousy. The logic behind this is pretty simple. My words are where I draw my strength from. My happy place and making anyone sad by them is the last thing I want to do.

There is so much beauty in the world that it would be a shame to write about the darkness anyway.


To everyone who came to my life by accident or on purpose and stayed. This is for you. Unknowingly you have inspired me and for that, I am eternally grateful.

Thank you for handling my mood swings, putting up with my tantrums and comforting me and loving me when I was lost.

If any of you ever read this, I love you. All of you.

Also, to people who think of somebody else before themselves, to the ones who believe in the power of love, who live for breaking stereotypes and treat people the way they wish to be treated, thank you for making the world a better place.

I owe you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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