Elena's Change

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*Gasp* *Cough* *Gasp*

“Elena! Elena! Are you alright?”

“Stefan? What happened? Where’s Matt, is he okay?” Elena gasped for air.

“Matt’s fine, the doctor’s giving him air,” Stefan, sitting next to Elena stared at Elena unbelievingly.

“What? Why are you staring at me like that, is something wrong Stefan?” Elena tried to upright herself on the bed, facing Stefan.

“No. It’s just that when I got you out of the car, your heart…I thought I was too late,” Stefan’s eyes smiled as he started laughing in relief and happiness.

“You got that right brother. You were too late. I guess we’ll have to share a vampire girlfriend now huh,” Damon walked into the room with a glass of wine. He smacked his lips in pleasure.

“What are you trying to say Damon,” Stefan slowly stood up, returning to serious mode.

“Oh, let’s just say according to Doctor Meredith Fell, Elena had a bad case of a bleeding brain tonight and she gave her some vampire blood to help her but I guess she never knew it would come to this,” Damon walked around slowly with no emotion in his voice. Picking up a bag of donated blood stolen from the hospital, Damon moved to Elena’s side in vampire speed and burst open the bag with one rip of his teeth, making the dark blood stream into Elena’s forced open mouth.

“No!” Stefan roared and shoved Damon hard, “What have you done, Damon!” An ear shattering sound of the wine glass breaking did it.

“Stefan…Stefan, stop, it’s too late,” Elena whispered as her eyes filled up and turned dark and hungry.

“No…No, tell me this is not happening,” Stefan murmured to himself as Damon moaned while standing up.

“It’s happened Stefan, it’s not like we had a choice anyway, it is how it is,” Damon gave Elena a strange look, “If you want more blood, there’s more at the back but it seems like you’re holding up well for a less-than-a-minute-old vampire.”  

“Shut up Damon, better watch it, now I can actually hurt you,” Elena snarled at Damon. In vampire speed, Elena appeared in front of Stefan, trying to comfort him, “Stefan, it’s still me. Stefan, please looks at me. Looks at me Stefan, it’s me, Elena.”

“I have to leave,” Stefan spat through clenched teeth.

“Not so fast brotha, we’re alive, she’s alive, everyone’s alive,” Damon pushed back Stefan into his chair, “something’s not right.”

“What do you mean? What happened?” Elena demanded, pushing her long dark straight hair behind one ear.

“Klaus is dead,” Stefan answered his eyes boring into Elena’s.

“Are you sure? He could still be alive for all we know. He’s Klaus. He just refuses to die.”

“Elena, the guy’s heart was stopped by some crazy powerful witch, kept in a coffin to rot and stabbed by the so called ultimate indestructible stake by Alaric who was possessed by some kind of demon inside him which wanted to kill everyone, what more does he need to die. He is Klaus but he’s not God,” Damon snapped impatiently. He walked off and returned in less than a second holding a wine bottle in his hand. “There must be something else. I’m pretty sure Klaus is dead, I saw his body burst up in flames the moment Alaric shoved that stake in him.”

“You said his body was burnt to ashes, but that doesn’t mean his soul was,” Stefan remarked, deep in thought.

“What are you trying to say? That he somehow got his soul somewhere else before he was staked? How could he have even done that? He was in a coffin; I mean you saw the state of him. Plus, no one could do that kind of magic or whatever. Wait, are you suggesting that…” Damon stopped dead in his tracks.

“Bonnie,” Elena finished his thoughts. She sighed in frustration.

“Exactly,” Stefan added on with a deadpanned expression. There was a moment of silence.

“That bitch!,” Damon flung his bottle onto the wall, leaving red stain trickling down the wall and disappeared with a loud slam of the front door. 

Elena and Stefan exchange a knowing look and with that, Stefan left, chasing after Damon, leaving Elena to contact Bonnie and Caroline.

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