Elijah's Call

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                  “So what are we doing Elijah, got any plans? Of course you do. You Originals always have a plan. Where’s that bitch ass sister of yours?” Katherine smirked at Elijah, sipping her wine.

                “Of course I have a plan. As for Rebekah, that’s a matter I shall not discuss with you. For now, you will stay put unless I instruct you so,” Elijah said in a monotonous voice.

                “So what, you’re going to compel me to do things for you now? Just kill me then.”

                “No Katerina, I will not compel you to do anything for me. I know you will do it for the sake of Stefan. Now stay around here until I return. I won’t be gone long. Be good.” Elijah opened the door of their apartment and left without another word.

                Katherine rolled her eyes after the door and stood up to find more wine. Whatever Elijah’s plan was, she was in. She knew Elijah’s plan could never go wrong and she could benefit from this after all. She missed Mystic Falls anyway. It felt good to be back without having to be on the run.

                “That witch is really getting on my nerves though. So she thinks she can just mess around with anyone now? We’ll see about that, you nasty little bitch,” Katherine whispered to herself as she took another swig form the wine bottle. She took her purse and left the apartment. She wanted to find Elena.

                Klaus stopped in front of the witches’ place. What was his next step. That was his utmost secret to winning every time. Last minute plans, see what the opponent does and act with everything you need right in front of you. Oh well, he’d have to go inside and see for himself what the Salvatore brothers were up to.

                “Hello?” Klaus bellowed, his voice echoing throughout the whole place.

                “In here hybrid,” Damon hollered back.

                Klaus went up to the second floor in superhuman speed to see Stefan reading through witch spell books while Damon was looking for books.

                “So what are we doing?”

                “Well we clearly can’t find Bonnie without another witch’s help or some other way that isn’t manual,” Stefan replied, not looking up from the book, “I’m looking for the spell Bonnie probably used on Klaus right now to see if there is a counter spell to it before we find a witch to help us.” As if reading Klaus’s mind, Stefan flipped through more pages.

                “What if there isn’t a counter spell?” Klaus questioned.

                “Well you better hope there is, for your sake and for all our sake,” Damon turned around and tapped Klaus’s shoulder with a thick dusty book giving him the look, “Well why are you standing around staring, help us!”

                Klaus stared at Damon before starting to look through the pile of books.

                He had a plan.

                Stefan’s phone rang twice before he answered it immediately.

                “Hello Stefan, I believe you’ve also figured out that Klaus is still alive. I have a plan this time but I’ll need your help. I have all the resources we need; all I need is you and Damon to meet me tomorrow at 7 at the Grill.” Elijah’s grim voice flowed through before the call was abruptly disconnected. Stefan furrowed his eyebrows, confused and suspicious of what just had happened.

                “Who was that?” Klaus asked.

                “Mind your own business hybrid,” Damon snapped back.

                “No, it’s fine. Damon,” Stefan cocked his head to one side, telling Damon that they needed to talk. They left Klaus to work and went to another room, closing the door behind them.

                “What is it? Is Elena fine?” Damon asked.

                “Yeah, she’s fine. I think. Look Elijah just called. He’s in Mystic Falls and he knows Klaus is not dead. He wants to meet us tomorrow at Mystic Grill.”

                “What?” Damon gave Stefan a weird look, “Do you honestly believe he’s going to help us with this. He betrayed us once. His sister killed Elena and his brother is a psycho hybrid who refuses to die and you think Elijah’s normal and good? Are you insane? No way I’m going, besides we have work to do ourselves.” Damon turned around and yelled, “What the hell Tyler, you do not snoop on our conversations or you’ll never see the light ever again!”

                Klaus recoiled back and murmured an apology. So Elijah was back. Well he had another problem then.

                “I think you should go, I mean I’m not trying to butt in or anything but he might actually have a plan unlike us. We’re going through these books like we’re going to find something and where are we going to find a witch anyway?” Klaus offered to the brothers.

                Damon gave him a nasty look and threw a book across the room, “Fine! We’ll go; you can guard the place to make sure he doesn’t pull another trick on us. It could be a trap for all we know.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2012 ⏰

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