Bonnie's Betrayal

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                      “Just because I helped you with this once don’t mean I’m going to help you through this again,” Bonnie said in a tight strained voice.

                “Oh you don’t have to dear, I’ll take it from here and I hope we do keep this between ourselves,” Klaus in Tyler’s body replied maliciously, winking as he left the cave, leaving Bonnie alone in the dark and silence.

                “What have I done, oh mother, I wish you were here,” Bonnie cried to herself, falling to the ground.

                Klaus/Tyler walked out into the sun and smelled the air for the first time in ages. Sweet vanilla scent, Caroline. Klaus walked cautiously following the smell.

                “Caroline?” Klaus called out in a gentle voice once the scent hit him hard.

                “Tyler?” Caroline stepped out from behind a tree, “but how? Oh never mind that! Oh Tyler, thank god you’re still alive!” Caroline ran into Klaus’s arms and gave him a heartwarming kiss on the lips. Klaus kissed back, not feeling the guilt of deceiving Caroline.

                “Let’s go home. Where’s Elena?”

                “No Tyler, we can’t go home, remember what our mothers told us? The council is coming for us, for all of us.”

                “Caroline, don’t worry I’ll make sure nothing happens to you. To us. I love you, you know that. You want to see Elena and your friends one more time don’t you? So let’s go back for a while, we still have time,” Klaus argued, trying to sound convincing.

                “Yes, yes I do. Let’s go.”

                Klaus smiled and followed suit as Caroline sped through the woods back into the peaceful roads of Mystic Falls. Where were Rebekah and Elijah. Klaus knew he’d have to plan everything all over again and he already had a plan B ready in his head. As they came to a stop at Elena’s house, Caroline commented, “I don’t think Elena’s home.”

                “Of course she is.” Strange, Klaus heard no heartbeat but he knew Elena was in there, his instincts told him.

                Elena opened the door.

                “No!” Klaus exclaimed, trying hard to hide his anger. He was furious. Anger was boiling inside him. How could this happen?

                “What’s the matter Tyler?” Caroline widened her innocent eyes at me.

                “I can explain Caroline, I’m a vampire. It’s a long story and I don’t like it either. You two better come in,” Elena glanced worriedly back and forth at Caroline and Tyler.

                “What’s going on Elena? Explain this right now! Where are Stefan and Damon anyway?” Caroline exclaimed, scrunching her eyebrows together.

                “Look, as I said, it’s a long story. Look, Stefan and Damon are after Bonnie right now. Klaus is still alive for all we know; he could be anyone right now. His body is dead but we think Bonnie did some magic to let Klaus live. I don’t know why she would do that but she did. We need to find where Klaus is before it’s too late,” Elena explained as fast as possible.

                “What do you mean Klaus is still alive? Didn’t he burn to ashes? There must be some other reason why we’re still all alive,” Klaus remarked in a fake surprised tone. He was getting better at this and smirked inwardly.

                “No Tyler, there can’t be any other reason, nothing else makes sense. Look while they’re looking for Bonnie, we need to help them somehow,” Elena replied.

                “Are you like psycho or something? You just became a vampire like a few hours ago and you don’t even crave for blood or any crazy shit I went through! Are you sure you’re okay? We can help them while you… Wait for Stefan to return.” Caroline said in a perplexed voice, walking past Elena into the living room. Klaus followed, with Elena shaking her head and saying, “No, we need to help them now Caroline and it doesn’t matter how I’m feeling right now. That’s not important right now; we can deal with me later. We need to find Bonnie right now.”

                “Elena, relax okay, I got this under control, I’ll go look for Stefan and Damon and Caroline can stay here with you for a while,” Klaus remarked, giving Caroline an assuring look.

                “Yeah, that’s a good idea Tyler. I’ll stay with Elena.”

                As Klaus turned to go, Caroline ran up and gave him a long kiss, “Be safe.”

                Klaus smiled and kissed Caroline back for a long time before leaving in a jiffy, the door shutting behind him.

                This was it. Now he had a chance with Caroline. Wait, this was not important right now. Elena was a vampire. His blood started boiling inside him again. Impossible. How dare they let her change? Klaus took out Tyler’s phone from his jeans and looked for Damon’s number.

                “Damon, where are you guys? I have Caroline looking after Elena. Elena told us what happened.”

                “Damn it Tyler, now you’re involved too? Okay we might as well have a hybrid helping us. Ok look, we need you to come to the witch’s house. You know the one where Bonnie got her super witch powers,” Damon commented calmly and snidely.

                Bonnie woke up. Had she fallen asleep in the cave?

                “Shit!” Bonnie stood up and ran outside. She took out her phone. No signal. Bonnie started running out of the woods. She needed to run. She had done what she had to do right? She knew her friends wouldn’t forgive her but now that she knew they would be alive for a while longer, she felt at ease. But now she had to be on the run. She couldn’t tell anyone what happened or everyone would be in danger again and she would be fought over. The sides of her lips lifted as she slowed down to a walking pace, walking back out to the sunlight, away from Mystic Falls…

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