Chapter Ten

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Its been three weeks since my birth date and school starts in four days.

I have decided to finally go home. I haven't had contact with any of my house staff or family since I left. I haven't even been home since then.

I have been shopping still totally transforming me. No more sweats and sweatshirts; Nope. Now it was heels, skirts, jeans, blouses, dresses and everything. I loved it. I had bought some make up to casually use for school. Everything was put in play; it officially starts in less than 96 hours.


I was woken up by a horrid buzzing noise. Looking at my alarm clock; it shined 7am sharp.

I have been home for almost six whole days and today was the first day of school.

I bet you're wondering what happened when I made it back home; well, I got my Porsche taken away, so I am back to my Range Rover. I love Vince, but I'd rather have Harley. I also got a long speech talking about how irresponsible I was. Finally, my parent said that Skylar gives me is best wishes for school and apparently he left me a note, but when I got it I tore it up and threw it in the fire place; no need for it.

Well I decided to get up after about ten minutes of waking up -laying in bed-. I got up and hopped into the shower letting the scolding hot droplets pound against my skin. I lathered my hair with my mango shampoo and conditioner. I shaved my legs and they were smooth as a baby's bottom. I got out of the shower letting the Arctic feeling air com in contact with my skin before being enveloped in the warmth of my fluffy white towel.

I blow tried my hair and went straight to my closet. I pulled out my black lace undies and matching bra and slid into that while walking fully into my closet. Deciding to go casual/dressy I pulled my favorite True Religion light wash jeans on, then made it over to my tops. I pulled out a black lace top and a light gray leather jacket that had sleeves come up half way of my forearm. Thirdly, I made my way over to my shoe closet; I pulled out a pair of black flats, but I decided on some black stilettos platform heels.

I finished with my clothing choice and went and curled my hair into light curls and put on some light eyeliner and heavy, yet natural mascara. It was nearly 8am and I knew from where I was at I was, of course going to be late for my first day back. School may have started two days ago, but I told my mother I wasn't ready quite yet and she understood; completely.

I hurry and grabbed my new black Coach purse and slung it over my shoulder with my phone in my hand and keys in the other. I was hungry so I decided to drive thru the Starbucks drive thru. I got a cookie crumble and a bagel and made my way towards the school.

It was 9:45am. school started almost two hours ago.

I walked through the front door; apparently they were still in class. I walked to the office with a coffee in one hand and purse and phone in the other. I got a couple of looks from the people in the front office.

I walked up to the teenage boy who was sitting at the front desk. I stood there for a couple minutes and he never looked up once. I cleared my throat and he looked up. "Hi. I am new here and I need to get my schedule; could someone help me?" I asked and he got up and left.

It was like five minutes since he left and I had taken a seat about three minutes got. I waited a couple more minutes and the principle; Mr. Lima come strutting down the hall. "Layden Styles?" He asked.

I nodded and he signaled for me to go to his office. Him and I use to have lunch together since I wasn't the most loved person here. We were like 'good friends'.

"Good to see you back miss Styles. You look great!" He complemented; it wasn't in a creepy way, my family is friends with his and he is just my sweet caring principle. "So shall we get down to business?" He asked and I just nodded in reply. "Okay, so I was speaking with your mother and she is concerned and she wanted me to ask you if you wanted to use your middle name in classes; would you like that? Since 'Layden' isn't a common name it might be easy to catch on."

He paused and waited for my response. I took a small sip of my coffee and sat back in the chair. "Sure I guess I could go by Elizabeth." I simply answered.

Paul -Mr. Lima- typed away on the laptop that occupied his desk. He looked up and his face softened. "Okay, Elizabeth, I have informed your teachers you will be here today. Let's go get your schedule shall we?"

He walked out of his office and I followed him.

Apparently class was out, because many people were roaming the halls. I followed Paul to the 'Student Center' and we walked to the back office. He took a piece of paper and handed it to me; it had all my classes.

I thanked him and walked to the first class. Since I had talked with him for a few minutes about my classes, class had already started. It was about ten minutes into the period.

I walked up to a open door and saw a young women sitting on a the front desk; we must have got a new teacher.

I knocked on the door frame and I could feel the class's eyes on me. I looked over the class as I walked over to the teacher. This was my worst nightmare. The class consisted of...


Adam, and


Kill me now!

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