02. *Club Night

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It was the first time Harry had been home in months due to his worldwide tour. To commemorate his homecoming, he took you out to the new club you had been wanting to go to. He even bought you a new dress, fit to your tastes. It showed off your skin and curves in all the right places, which was a definite plus in his book.

But he hadn't given a thought to all the men who would be looking at you. They'd been at the club for an hour, and with each pass made at you by shitfaced clubgoers, Harry was becoming more and more tense.

As you two stepped in line to order your drinks, the British male, being the jealous lover that he is, slipped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer.

"I love you, babygirl." he said loudly enough for those nearby to hear. Still, there were two college boys behind them that didn't get the message.

You could feel their hungry eyes staring even before any comment was made. You bit your lip a little but chose to ignore it, not wanting to make a scene.

"Damn, look at her ass." the more buff of the two whistled. His companion agreed with a smirk. "She definitely picked the right dress."

You had hoped Harry couldn't hear them over the music, knowing that he wouldn't hesitate to start something.

But he heard it all. And he was livid. He spun around and stared at both males with harsh daggers for eyes, steam practically coming out of his ears. "Excuse me. What makes you think you can talk about my girl like that?" he demanded, putting clear emphasis on my girl.

Instead of apologizing, the first male smirked. "Sorry, mate." he said, not sounding the least bit so. "But she's quite sexy. I wouldn't mind bedding her once or twice."

You gasped at the vulgarity of the man's response, tugging urgently at the sleeve of Harry's button-up. You knew that you had to get your boyfriend away from there, otherwise he'd wind up doing something drastic.

"Come on, babe. Follow me." you pleaded lightly. Harry probably wouldn't have complied if it wasn't his first time out with you in a while, but since it was and he didn't want to ruin things, he sighed loudly over the thumping music and followed you to an isolated part of the club.

He looked at you with an angry expression on his face, eyebrows knitted closely together. "t can't believe those bastards."

"I know, Harry." you replied, standing in front of him. You reached out and cupped his face before pressing your lips to his. He quickly fell into the rhythm of your mouth's movement, eventually taking your hips and guiding you towards the nearest restroom.

"Haz, what're you doing?" you mumbled against his mouth curiously, tangling your fingers in his hair to deepen the kiss. That's when he pulled away and guided you through the door, smirking as he saw the two males from before looking on in envy.

"Gonna show them that you're mine." he replied. "But we'll have to be quick." Harry checked to make sure all the stalls were empty before hurrying you into the biggest one, locking the door. You had to admit, the thought of public sex was quite exciting. It put a certain kind of thrill in the pit of your stomach that you'd never felt before.

He grabbed onto your hips and maneuvered you so that your back was pressed up against the stall's plain black wall, slamming his lips against yours. Harry kissed you fervently as he worked your dress up, the material bunched at your hips. Pulling away once more, he commanded you to take your panties off.

As you willingly obliged, he started on the buckle of his pants. Big hands worked to undo it, and soon he had thrown the belt to the side. You watched him pull his pants down to reveal the large bulge within his boxers. You bit back a moan, feeling the liquids of your arousal begin to run down your legs.

Harry pulled down his boxers and his massive cock sprang up, hitting his stomach. He had you pinned to the wall once more, helping you to jump so that your legs were wrapped around his waist.

His long, thick cock was touching your core, which screamed to be fucked. He guided his cockhead to your slick entrance and ran it up and down your slit, coating it in your body's natural lubrication. "Gonna fuck you now." he whispered in your ear. "Please do." you whimpered, grinding yourself against him a little.

He pushed his hips forward and plunged into your warm heat, groaning at the way you seemed to suck him right in. His hands reached for the top of the stall and he gripped it, the only thing holding your small body up being his own. He stuffed his face into the crook of your neck, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses.

He barely gave you time to adjust before rolling his hips against yours, big muscles flexing with each thrust.

"So big, baby." You moaned as his length drove in and out of you. God, sex with Harry was just amazing. He knew what drove you crazy, unlike all your previous sexual partners. Then again, maybe that's because you'd been having sex together for three years.

At one point he drew his hips back until just his tip was inside of you, waiting a couple of seconds until you called him by his name.

When you did, he slammed back into you. You hooked your legs firmly around his waist as though you were trying to prevent him from leaving again, your heels digging into his back, and your body crying out for more. He was thrusting at an ungodly pace now, your hips bouncing off of his own. With each movement, the stall shook. "H-Harry." you cried out.

He moved his lips on to yours, attacking the bottom petal with nibbles, bites, and by dragging it out.

When he began hitting that one special spot, your entire face clenched and you let out a moan louder than the rest. "Right there, Harry. Oh, fuck."

It didn't take much for both of you to come undone. Right after your liquids oozed onto his cock, Harry's cum shot deep inside you in three long spurts.

You and Harry stayed in that very same position for a minute to ride out your highs, panting. When you were ready, Harry helped you down.

You fixed yourselves, then shared a look. "Maybe I should get you jealous more often." you remarked, to which Harry responded by playfully rolling his eyes.

"Let's not do that."

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