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Chewy steak, sticky peas and greasy chips. The ketchup runs out and I just can't seem to swallow.

"School!" My brother shouts, making me jump "how was it?"

I give my most sarcastic smile.


"No, it was the best and all the people loved me and all my teachers were just the most intelligent people."

"Bex, you really need to stop being such a ... a.."

"Sarcastic bitch?" I smile.

"Yeh, bex."

I just chuckle. The kitchen is dark and sad, matching my mood. Me and my brother sit at a small wooden table next to the window, the white netting covering the swaying trees and dark sky outside. It's just me and my brother here, our parents died when I was 7 and he was 16. We lived with our grandparents for a while until my brother became old enough to move out, he became my legal guardian and we moved back in here. My brothers name is Johnny and he is the best guy out there, he has dark hair like mine but cropped, his eyes are blue but not as bright as mine. We both got the tall gene from our dad, he's still taller than me but not by much, I guess you could say he is very attractive, when he's out you don't see him without a crowd of girls surrounding him or just admiring him and chatting from afar, it's horrendously annoying but at least I know i will get a cute niece or nephew one day. Most mistake us for twins but then we have to remind them that we actually have an 9 year gap between us.

"Okay,so except for all the excellence of your day did you make any friends?"




"I'm sorry, what?"

"Her name is Red, she loves the colour red therefore she just had to name herself after it, right? There's also this guy called Layton who I actually wish was born as a worm instead so I wouldn't have to meet him except for the time I'd step on him and squish him."

"Is he hot?"

I narrow my eyes accusingly.

"I swear you're gay."

He chuckles "he's hot and you're just in denial."

"Excuse me?"

"Yeh, girls are always like this. They always hate the guy they find most attractive to secretly make an impression."

"Oh cus you know so much about girls," I stand "you're gay for Christ sake!"

"No I'm not gay!"

"It's okay if you were bro."

"Thanks bex!"

"Listen he hated me first, he was a dick to me first! That's why I hate him, not cus he's hot."

"So he is hot?" He smirks.

"Yeh, I'm not denying that" i laugh.

He goes to say something but I stop him before he can.

"No," I place my plate on the sink "just shut up. I'm going to bed."

He chuckles and says goodnight before I drag myself up the stairs, into my pyjamas and into bed. I'm dreading tomorrow, I have science.

An annoying sound brings me out of my blissful sleep, I groan and swing my arm to hit the snooze button.

"How did I know you were going to do that?"

I scream and sit upright.

"Johnny!? What the fuck! That seriously scared me" I end up laughing.

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