The cat that Barks story

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One day, there was a kid who wants nothing but to have fun. Every noon, she sets out to go to his grandmother's house and brings her beautiful flowers that she picks on the way.

One day, the kid knocks on her grandmother's door and she heard a rustle behind the door.

"Grandma, are you there?" asked the kid.
"Yis, I'm here inshayd," her grandma replies.

The kid enter the house and she found her grandmother on her bed but her grandmother looks ugly.

"Such hairy face you have, grandma, what is that for?" asked the kid.
"It's called sickniss," answered her grandmother.
"Such sharp teeth you have, grandma, what is that for?"
"That is called fangs and it's use to eat youuu!"

"The end," Jean.

I yawn.

"Boo, kill yourself," Eren.

"What did you said?!"
"I said kill yourself, you horse face!"
"I'm not a horse face and this is not my idea so don't blame me!"
"Where did you even got that story, Jean? You should've tell a story about how two delicious foods find their way and fell inlove with each other, nyehehe," Sasha.

I sigh.

"By the way, aren't you tired, Linkyn? You've been like that for hours now, are you okay?" Jean.

I lowered my gaze on my bandaged foot on the table. Everyone was sitting on the chair while I'm standing, with a stupid frown and poker face. I just sigh and didn't bother to answer him.

"Tsk, you've been like that since last week, aren't you going to talk to us?" Eren.

"I'll tell you if I know," I answered.

"That had been your favorite line, what else is new?" Ymir.

"I'll tell you if I know,"

"Dammit, I'm out, let's go Historia!"
"Ymir, wait!"

Two down, six to go.

"Hey, white lady, just what the hell happened to you that you became like that?" Jean.

"I'll tell you if I know,"

"Ahhh! I'm going crazy! I'm leaving!"

Three down.

"That wasn't very nice, Linkyn. I guess I should feed you for you to feel good,"

"I don't need food, leave me alone,"

"*Sob sob* you're mean, Linkyn!! Waahhh!"

"Hey, Sasha, where are you going?!" Connie.

Five down.

"Eren, let's go," Mikasa.

Seven down.

I looked at Armin. He's head hung low and he's so silent.

"Aren't you going with them?" I asked.
"I'll stay," he whispered. And that surprised me.
"I don't need you here,"
"I'll stay,"
"Leave me alon--"
"I'll stay! Even if you push me away for how many times, I'll stay! I won't let you do something stupid ever again!"
"--Stupid? What a twit, I'm not one of them,"
"If I leave, I won't know where you're going. If I leave, I won't know what you're doing. If I leave . . . you'll leave. So I'll stay,"

And that surprised me even more.

What the hell is he talking about? I'll leave? I don't even know how the hell I end up in this game and now he's saying I'll leave if he leaves?

Transfered: Into Your World (A SnK Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now