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When girls go through a break-up or heartache or just liking someone who doesn't feel the same way. We tend to ask ourselves two questions, the first one being: Why wasn't I enough? Why wasn't it enough that I cracked my ribs and tore my heart out of its cage for you, isn't it enough that I defied the only protection God had given my heart for you? Isn't it enough that I engraved you into history? That I wrote you on to the unerasable pages of the world? That I rearranged 26 letters perfectly, over and over and over again, for you? That even when you die and turn to dust, you will still live because I wrote you back to life. Isn't it enough that I compared you to every celestial body that lights up my sky? The moon, the sun and the stars. Isn't it enough that I saw you in ways that you will never be able to see yourself in? That I turned an unfinished work of art into a masterpiece? That I was the well in to which you poured every sobbing emotion?

The second question is: What does she have that I don't? Do flowers bloom when she walks? Do her brown eyes sparkle more than mine? But, baby, you have to remember that in the end brown is just brown, it doesn't matter if you compare it to the chocolate you enjoy or the dirt you walk on. Does she let beautiful butterflies erupt in your stomach, while I left moths in my wake? Does she write you poetry, does she paint you pictures, does she spent every waking moment thinking of you? I was also told that men were visual creatures. Maybe I thought you were the exception, but it turns out you are the rulebook. Maybe she is prettier and slimmer and smarter but would she walk on glass for you? I did, I am still picking the shards out of my feet.

-did I mention that you were the glass?

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