~Chapter 12~

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Weiss must have been going 20 miles over the speed limit, but she didn't care. At 3 a.m. not many people were on the roads. It only took her 10 minutes to get to Blake's house, but by the time she was there, there were firetrucks, police cars, and ambulance everywhere. They wouldn't let her go to the house via her car, so she had to run. She slammed the door of her car and started running. She heard Blake's voice shouting, and and saw her trying to get away from the ambulance workers. "Please, just wait one more minute! She'll be here!" She was clinging to the pole of her neighbors house. Weiss started running again, picking up the pace.

"Blake!" She shouted, and Blake looked to her. She let go of the pole and stumbled towards Weiss, but didn't get far before falling down, into the arms of one of the nurses.

"Are you 'Weiss'?" She asked, already getting Blake into the ambulance.

"Yes, yes, I am. Is she okay?" Weiss grabbed onto Blake's hand, and squeezed, getting a light grab in response. She was wearing the sundress from the previous day, a jacket, and had a backpack slung over her shoulder. Her ears were free, and perked up, listening to everything around her. Weiss was staying close to her, trying to keep her warm in the early autumn air.

"She'll be okay. She is pretty shaken up about everything. She mentioned you, and this boy named 'Adam'? I don't know, but police are searching the area. We have to take her in though, just to make sure she didn't sustain any injuries." The doors to the ambulance shut and the siren turned on once again, beginning to move. Weiss looked down to Blake, but she had already fallen asleep.

The hospital was white and bland, just like Weiss' house. Even Weiss had to admit that. The room she was in, was no better, having white walls, floors, curtains and sheets. The only things that brought color to the room were the beams of light coming from the window, and the rosy glow on Blake's cheeks. Weiss was told that it could be a while before Blake woke up, but she didn't want to leave her. Nurses came in every hour to see if she was awake, but there had been no signs of it. It had been almost 6 hours when Blake began to stir. "..Weiss?" Blake called weakly, her eyes barely opening. Weiss shot up and knelled by her bed, grabbing both of Blake's hands in hers.

"Blake, I'm right here. Are you okay?" Blake's eyes fluttered open and looked around, before finally resting on Weiss. She smiled, and took one hand out of Weiss', just to put it back on top.

"I'm fine Weiss. I'll be okay." Weiss let out a small laugh, like it was too much to take in. And it was. Her girlfriend's house was just burned down by her crazy ex-boyfriend. There was a moment of silence as Blake's face fell. "Did they get him?" Weiss felt Blake's hand shake a bit, and her pulse quicken.

"Yes," Weiss smiled, squeezing tight. "He hadn't gotten far from your house before the police found him. They still need to ask you some questions, but they got him." Blake calmed down, but was still tense. "You're safe." Weiss leaned forward and gently kissed Blake on the forehead, but Blake put her hands around Weiss' head and brought her to her lips. It was hot, full of lust and passion. It was not like their first kiss, more like the second, but not. It was wasn't worse in any regards either. It was love. Weiss loved Blake. So much. They pulled apart to catch their breath and they locked eyes, their foreheads pressed against each others. "I love you," Weiss whispered, not taking her eyes off of Blake. "I love you more than life itself. You are life. I love you." Blake smiled, and was about to say something before a nurse cut her off by entering the room.

"Goodie, you're awake!" She wasn't the one in the ambulance, Weiss saw, but was thin and cheery, and not much older than her sister. Weiss sat back down in her chair, but didn't let go of Blake's hand. "Alright, let's start with comprehensive questions. Just answer them to the best of your abilities, okay?" Blake nodded her head, and sat up a bit. "Alright." She flipped a page on her clipboard. "Your name?"

"Blake Belladonna."


"21." She looked to Weiss and Weiss smiled.

"There are only a few more, I promise. Alright, address?"

"79 Menagerie La-" Blake cut herself off, looking down. "My house is burned down. I can't live there any more." Her heart pace quickened, and she looked from the nurse to Weiss. "What am I going to do?"

"You'll stay with me." Weiss said, not letting Blake say more, or the nurse say anything.

"Okay, well let's just move on to the movement portion. You seemed fine in the quick physical but we have to check! Could you stand up?" Blake swung her legs over the edge of the bed, avoiding the guard rails. She stood up, a bit wobbly and light headed, but from help of Weiss' hand, she steadied. "Okay, now walk to the window?" She took a hesitant step towards the window, and noticed she was wearing a hospital gown. And that the floor was cold. Blake shivered, but got to the window. "And no pain?"

"No." Weiss let out a small yawn before quickly covering up her mouth. Blake realized she must have been up since 4 a.m. Blake laughed and walked back over to Weiss.

"Okay! You're free to go! Your belongings that you had with you are on the dresser, and make sure to get out of here by 2 p.m. Good luck, Blake." And with that, the nurse left them.

The door clicked and they were alone again. Blake approached Weiss, and she stood up, meeting Blake's gaze. Blake put her hands on Weiss' shoulders, partly steadying herself, but mostly out of compassion. "Weiss," she whispered, her face close to Weiss'. "I love you too. Let's go home." And with that, she gave Weiss a quick peck, before falling into her, hugging her.

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