Chapter 11

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Emil was still grumbling even after he had clearly lost. They were all outside now and there was no chance of Emil being allowed to turn back. They were only about ten feet away from the porch but Matthias was walking behind him, making sure that the Icelander couldn't turn back. Matthias kept claiming that Emil needed this, although Emil wasn't too sure.

The snow was just about to Emil's knees, making it hard for him to walk. He practically march through the snow, which was hard to do. Matthias and Berwald had no problem with it, both of them having long legs. Tino practically galloped through the snow, his excitement for an adventure too much to stop him. Lukas on the other hand seemed to also be struggling a bit, but he pushed on determinedly. Of course, Emil thought, any other time he would call Matthias 'stupid Dane' and just stay inside. It just had to be when Emil didn't want to leave the house that Lukas had agreed.

Emil felt betrayed by everyone, well except for Berwald. Sure Tino just wanted to go on an adventure but his excitement had only encouraged Matthias and Lukas. Berwald though, would have probably let him stay home. He would most likely pick Emil's side of things just because it was the opposite side than Matthias. But then again, Berwald might just happen to side with Matthias on this because Tino was on his side, even if it was unknowingly.

"Where are we going exactly?" Emil asked, after all if he was going on this adventure he might as well know where they were going.

  "You'll see." Was all he got in reply. Matthias was the one to say it.


  Hours. They had literally been walking for hours. The longer they walked the more of an idea Emil had for where they were going. But they couldn't be going there, could they? And if they were, then why? What good would going there be?

  It wasn't until Emil noticed the hill they would have to climb, was he certain of where they were going. There was no denying it any longer. They were heading to the spot where Emil had been taken by Arthur when he was younger. It was just over the hill. But why? What good would happen out of going there?

  "Are you sure this is where we're heading? Like we didn't make a wrong turn or anything?" Emil asked, really unsure.

  "Nope, this is exactly where we're supposed to be going. It's going to be fun. We're going to show you some cool things that you probably didn't know before." Matthias turned on his heels so he was facing Emil, he didn't stop walking though. He was now walking backwards. "Like did you know that Berwald is an elk whisperer?"

  Emil rose an eyebrow and looked at his brother to see his reaction to this. But to Emil's surprise, Lukas just nodded, agreeing with Matthias. It only confused Emil more. Since when was Berwald an elk whisperer? And how was that even possible?

  "You know, everyone is capable of it? They just have to try." Lukas stated.

  Tino finally decided to jump into the conversation, sounding just as sceptical as Emil. Emil was glad he wasn't the only one who seemed to be having problems with all of this. "You mean anyone can be an elk whisperer?" And then Emil's comfort was gone. Tino seemed to be buying into all of this.

  "No, what I mean is that if countries tried hard enough, they can talk to their national animals. Like America would be able to talk to eagles and Canada to beavers and so on. It's just that so little amount of countries are aware of this and most never try. Although I know America does it, he asked England about it one time but Arthur brushed it off and called him crazy."

  "Aw, poor Alfred. I hope he knows that Arthur is the one who's truly crazy." Of course Matthias sided with Alfred in this one. Alfred was only of Matthias's best friends outside of the Nordics. They often went out drinking together, although not in America because Alfred's human age was too young to drink there. 

  "Is there at least a point to all of this?" Berwald asked. It was the first time he had spoken up all night.

  "There is actually." Lukas said, pausing a second, almost debating if he wanted to share why they were all there on the adventure. "Matthias and I think Emil might have magic, and we wanted to see if it were true."

Long time no update. And I am so sorry about that. I just kind of lost interest in this story and didn't have the time to update. Not only that but I honestly kind of forgot this was a thing for a while. I'm sorry.
But like I picked it up again because I kind of owe it to you guys. Recently I reached 200 followers. That's a big deal for me. I've never gotten to this point before. So thank you all so much for that. It means so much.

  Now that I've updated this, I'm actually getting back into it. So hopefully that means I'll update sooner. After all I am trying to wrap up the fanfics I have in progress right now so I can work on others that I have on the back burners. Ones I have started but have been put on hold since I have yet to publish them and all of that good stuff. One of them being a PruHun and the other being PruCan, and another being an Iceland x Romano, if any of you are interested in that.
But I will finish this first before I do anything with those.
Thanks so much for waiting and have a wonderful time doing whatever it is you do.


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