Chapter 12

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Kara’s POV


            “Thank you for the invite sir, I had a wonderful time.” I spoke as my shoulders sagged in relief at the mere realization that we were finally home.

Yes, of course we were living in the same house. Never had I ever thought I would feel so much relief just thinking of my comfy bed. I slowly bit my lower lip, opening the door as fast as I could and just about marching inside the mansion.

The whole house was lit as always because we never turn the lights off before going to bed but there was a resounding silence around. That could only mean everyone was asleep.

My heart was thumping wildly and I could feel his gaze on the back of my head but all I wanted to do was get into my room, crawl right under my bedcovers and just sleep it all away.

How on earth would I look him in the face after today though? Could what happened tonight have been avoided? Definitely not, since the first kiss had been unannounced.

I vaguely remembered him saying he wanted to have a talk with me when we got back home but there was absolutely no way I would be staying in the same room with him again, talk less having any sort of discussion. I climbed the stairs as discreetly as I could, to avoid waking mama since she was a light sleeper.

Immediately I entered my room, I shut the door with a soft click.
Staring right back at me from the mirror opposite me as I turned on the switch beside me, was a beet red faced girl and her chest was heaving as she rushed breaths in. Every part of me trembled.

I dug my fingers into my hair while moving away from the door — to take off the dress — but the vibration of my phone in my bag had me halting in my activity.

It was Adrian. I did an eye roll. Of course she would call and want to talk about the so-called event. She just couldn’t wait till tomorrow. I bet she was finally home already from the dinner she said she was going with her parents and cousins. I received her call with a sneer.

“Bitch! I’ve been calling you for ages, how dare you put me on freaking voicemail?!” I literally cringed at her tone.

“Seriously, I’m sorry for that. I put my phone on silence because of you but you kept calling.” I admitted sheepishly and waited for the scolding to come. I walked to my mirror and sat, facing my dressing table, before slowly patting my cheek and cleaning of the makeup with my papaya facial cleanser.

She gasped dramatically after a good couple of seconds.

“Uh...why would you do that? You just hurt my feelings.”

My heart was still thumping like it had been all through the remaining time we had spent at the event and I still couldn’t wrap my head around what he’d said about not regretting the kiss. What would Adrian do when I told her about the kiss?

Or should I tell her? Of course I should and I would. We told each other everything— maybe not in details but still to a considerable amount.

“Are you even there? I said how did the event go?”

I blinked twice. “Adri-”

“Details baby, start spilling right away.”

“Look, I’ll call you tomorrow.” I picked my bonnet and wore it, deciding to take a shower.

“I have work with my older brother at his estate management thingy, unlike you who take all day talking about your young master and how evil he was instead of doing something worthwhile.”

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