Chapter 43

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My shout-out goes to Greece and Spain 😍😍

Kara’s POV


           “Merry Christmas honey.” I got back into bed. I had just gotten out of the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

My lips moved slowly as I planted light, feathery kisses on the face of the gorgeous man lying beside me. If he felt assaulted by my sloppy kisses, his groan gave away an opposite response and that filled me with content.

Sei finalmente sveglio. Good morning, bambina.” (You’re finally awake) He replied, his voice gruff. He drew me closer to his chest and planted a kiss on my forehead. “Your hair smells nice. Same as your body, I feel like staying in bed and basking in your heavenly scent all day.”

My breath hitched as I listened to the deep tone, fighting off the tremor that ran over me and made me shiver in all the right places. It took all my willpower to hold still from tracing my hands over his throat in a sensual way...but I knew I couldn’t. He was a man and after all and that would only be torturous to him.

“The morning is beautiful.” I purred instead.

My gaze snapped outside as I took a stretch. The snowflakes were leisurely falling on my window and then slowly melting away.

There was a heater in my room, and due to its effectiveness, even the moulds of snow that gathered on my window would melt within mere seconds, talk less of the snowflakes.

"How are you?" I gazed into the deep sea pulling me in through his eyes, all the while appreciating the look in his love filled eyes.

“I’m fine baby.”

“Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas. Where do we go today?” He pecked me.


“Oh, I forgot. Danielle.” He picked his phone and tapped on it.

That name rang a bell the moment he mentioned it. Where had I heard the name before now?

Danielle.... Oh, Danielle! Shoot!

“What about Danielle?” I asked with a squint even though he was busy sitting up on the bed and didn’t catch it. He started going through his social media accounts while I scowled.

“We have a meeting at five this noon.”


“Yes, and you’re coming with me.”

“No I’m not.” I wouldn’t want to hear her sultry voice dripping of sexiness while talking to my man. Argh!

Was I being jealous here? The Kara that didn’t know what jealousy meant or felt like just a few months ago was now here staking her claim on Stephano. Well, that was allowed. I couldn’t shake off the unsettling feeling that buried at the pit of my stomach immediately he mentioned that name. Like she was a threat and I needed to protect Stephano from her long, polished claws.

“Scusi?” He then turned to face me like I just said the most ridiculous thing he’d heard all year.

“I prefer to stay at home but thanks for offering.”

“But...come with me.” He said more persuasively. “Please...” I almost fawned at the puppy dog look he gave me but I stood my ground.

“It’s business, and I know how well I distract you so just go there and come back to me. In my arms.” I said, cringing at how sappy I sounded. Yep. That was cringe worthy indeed.

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