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The baby slept soundly afterward till almost 6 pm and it got Zayn worried, cause he didn't know if it was normal for a baby to sleep that long. He should feel relief that the baby wasn't fussing, however, he did not know why he felt this sense of foreboding.

He swiped the phone in his hand open and stared at the address, Ezra texted a few hours ago as he waits for 8 pm to clock, before they go and drop the baby off on the doorstep of the curly, so not be seen. He heaved a sigh and rose from his seat, making his way to the living room as the urge to check on the baby surge.

He stepped into the living room and moved closer to the convertible seat then the face of the sleeping baby greeted him and the corners of his mouth quirk slightly, as an unexplainable tenderness for the baby assailed him, and even though he saw the baby was alright, he still had this sinking feeling in his heart.

He inched his finger towards the baby's nose and realized the baby was still breathing however, as his finger comes in contact with the baby's skin he realized the baby was warm, too warm for his liking. Panic gripped him then hurriedly, he strode to Louis's bedroom, calling his name frantically.

Louis stirred in his sleep and let out a long groan, shoving his pillow over the back of his head, covering his ears tightly to tune the clopping of Zayn's voice out.

"Louis, get up it's an emergency" Zayn shouted, grabbing the pillow from Louis and threw it at the other side of the bed, nudging him on the shoulder.

Louis groaned again and opened his sleepy eyes, facing him "What fuck do you want?" He asked with an irritated voice.

"The baby is sick"

Louis stared at Zayn with a furrow running across his forehead. "What do you mean the baby is sick? He was fine a few hours ago"

"Yeah I know, but I checked on him just now and his skin feels too warm"

Louis rose from the bed and rushed to the living room with Zayn on his heels. He touched the baby's forehead and cursed under his breath. "Yeah you're right, I think he has a fever" He muttered, in a voice quaking worriedly.

"Should we take him to a hospital?"

Louis stared at Zayn like he'd lost his mind. "We can't take him to a hospital. The police are looking for him everywhere"

"So what do we do then?" Zayn asked, his voice containing the panic he was feeling.

"We can't wait till 8 pm before we take him to the curly's house, we have to go now. The longer he stays with us, the more likely his fever will go up and that will be a disastrous"

"Okay" Zayn agreed then Louis let out a loud breath. "Let me get dressed" He said and rushed out of the room.

Zayn ran his hand through his hair, teeth tugging his lower lip and crouched down to the level of the convertible seat, and gently stroke his finger across the baby's cheek. "You'll be alright buddy" He whispered as the baby opens its mouth slightly and turn its head toward the side where he had caressed, as if leaning to his touch.

Louis entered the room, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt with jeans and gloves. He picked the car keys from the table and mumbled. "Let's go"

Zayn carefully picked up the convertible seat and followed Louis out of the room. Louis sat in the driver's seat and put in the curly's address in the GPS while Zayn sat in the backseat with the baby. They wasted no time getting on the road as the GPS showed the curly's location and voiced out how long it'll take before they get to their destination.

During the ride, the baby woke up and started making small fuzzy cries. Just as Zayn was about to pick the baby up, Louis reminded him to wear gloves so not to leave fingerprints.

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