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Yoongi Pov.

My parents and I are going to the doctor for one of my many controls.  It's hopeless, every time I heard the same thing. 'You never are getting beter.' 'It's getting worse' I know it okay! I am a powerless vampire that is doomed to live in the dark for ever! Do they have to screamed in my face?? Well fuck them!! I am use to my life now. I have education and have a nice hoppy. I am okay with all that! It's my life now!

I waited on the doctor bij playing a game on the phone and texting Hoseok. I really like that guy. He looks like a kind person, who always cheer you up. Like a bouncing ball full of positive energy. We talk outside Instagram to like after my school, by my sitting spot and by his dancing spot. He is a amazing dancer, really, he is what my dad need right now, but maybe he is in a other dance school.

Okay enough about Hoseok, I gonna hear again that "there is a big change that you are going to die' again. I hate this shit. 

'Min yoongi?' a doctor aks for my name, that's mean that is my turn now. Ugh can I die??

My parents and I followed the doctor to his test room. We know this doctor for long, we even got dinner at his house, I was little that time, it was when mt decease wasn't that bad, I remember playing a lot with his kid. I think that that child name is Sockjin or Suckjin? Maybe Seokjin? I am not good with names okay!

'We have good news this time.'

my parents and I are shook. Good news? Never heard of that! What is that even? Is he finally telling us that he just overreact?

'The chance that Yoongi die before 30 is gone.'

My dad jump of the chair, my mom is crying and I was still shook.

'Just he didn't have sun contact in a long time that why.'

'So you are telling us that Yoongi is not going to die?' My mom aks full of tears.

'As long as he don't have contact with the sun. So keep avoiding the sun boy.'

I just nod, I was still shook! I never got good news! NEVER! Thank god!!

I need to tell this to some one. Hoseok? but did I ever tell him? No I didn't tell him that I'm sick. Do I have to tell him? Does he need to know it? I not gonna tell him, i wait.

I just gonna enjoy my day, knowing that I got good news from the doctor!

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