Ch.1 My life

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138 lies. This time I lied to the principal, right to his lumpy face. I told him I was running down the hall to catch up to my friend when someone's fist hit my stomach, once i recovered I turned around to see who had hit me and did the first thing that came to mind, I slapped him. What really happened is a totaly different story. I was walking down the hall when I saw jacen, a very annoying boy who has had a crush on me since first grade, he had an abnegation girl pinned to the wall winding up for a punch. immediately I jumped in front. The blow hit me in the stomach and I collapsed to the ground winded. As I slowly recovered from the blow I got to my feet, jacens chocolate brown eyes stare down at me, round and apologetic, but I'm not in a forgiving mood today. I try to throw a punch but he catches my fist in the air and pulls me close I try to pull away but I'm not strong enough. Then he does the stupidest thing possible he leans in and kisses me I immediately pull away and slap him with all my might he stumbles back holding his face in his hand then I ran to class and the secretary came to get me and jacen. Now I'm running down the hall away from the principals office before he is done talking to jacen and realizes I lied. I'll probably have 5min after he's done with jacen since we're both candour so we supposedly can't lie but I have a reputation of lying even though I'm candour so he'll probably figure it out pretty fast. That's my problem I was born into the wrong faction I could have fit into any other faction even amity if I really tried though I probably would have transferred but not candour. We are supposed to believe in all honesty and everything but not me I think that what u don't know doesn't hurt you. Fitting into almost every faction doesn't help you much when it comes to the choosing cerimony though. some people have known what they wanted from the beginning and some it's a struggle of if they are going to stay with their family or pick what they really want but I have no problem leaving my family I am the middle child in my family I have an older sister named kayle who chose candour and is going to be the candour representative after she's done her training. I also have a younger sister

named Miri she is the perfect candour child never told a lie in her life, it's obvious what she is going to chose in two years when she is sixteen. As for me my parents have given up I just refuse to be honest with everything. my parents favorite line is, "oh Jessica you could be so much more if you told the truth and expressed yourself" and I always reply " if I expressed myself a lot of people would feel very bad about themselves" which usually shuts them up. But that still leaves the problem of which faction I will choose at the choosing cerimony in two days tomarrow is the aptitude test which will probably be what I choose. But for now I have to get back to my apartment before my parents so I can delete the message the principal left or I'll be getting another lecture about how being honest will help prevent another war and then they'll probably ground me so it's in my best interest to make it home before my parents do. I quickly type in the code and burst into our apartment but I'm to late my mom is sitting at the table eating an apple. "Jessica are u ok?" She asks. I'm standing in the door way panting from running my hair in a tangled mess. I stop panting and smooth out my bone straight black hair beautiful against my tan skin and almond shaped hazel eyes and look up at her, "I'm fine," I reply. "Do you have something to tell me Jessica?" She asks I ignore the question "did you check the messages yet?" I ask instead "not yet but thanks for reminding me" she says cheerfully. Stupid! "It's ok mom I'll do it" "no go do your homework"she says " I don't have any mom I'll do it just enjoy your apple" "ok" she mumbles through a mouthful. I race down the hall past Miri "woah Jessica your not dauntless yet" she exclaims as I zip past her and into the living room where the phone is I skip through the messages until I find the principals his gruff monotone voice fills the room and I quickly delete it before anyone can hear and question me because I don't know if I can lie to my mom she is like a human lie detector to her every little movement suggests if a person is telling the truth or not. Thankfully no one herd. Since the cricess is averted I walk slowly back to the kitchen to get a snack. I open the fridge and pull out an orange as I peal it I flop down on the couch and turn on the tv I flip through the channels until I find something worth watching then start eating my orange the tv is loud but I don't hear it all I can think about is what faction I will choose will my blood drop into the erudite water will it sizzle on the dauntless coals or slide over the gray abnegation rocks or maybe even mix in with the amity soil anywhere but here. Eventually I drift off.

138 lies- a divergent storyWhere stories live. Discover now