Ch.2 Welcome to dauntless

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Hey all I herd I have to put a disclaimer so here it is I do not own the plot or certain places Veronica Roth does... so yea here is the book


A man steps out from the group "quiet," he yells, " this is not a social event this is serious do u want to get into dauntless or not?" he asks and every one quiets down. " good, now who wants to go first?" I don't but on second thought I need to prove myself I need every one to know that I am not just some blabber mouth candour I am dauntless. I step forward " I will," WHAT AM I DOING!!!!!! "Well the last candour who climbed fell then you can guess what happens next," he says a obvious smirk on his face he is telling the truth. I gulp but don't let my fear show " I won't fall," I say. I am so proud of myself I said that with no fear in my voice I'm so proud I smile "well then if your so confident climb away he says indicating to the wall behind him it has plenty of hand holds but between the floor and the wall was a 10 foot gap I walk over and bend down to see how far down it is, turns out it looks like a bottomless pit. I backup and take a running start. as I approach I plan my rout. if I get enough hight I can grab the hand hold with my right hand and then I can use my leg power to jump and grab the ledge. I put my plan into action. I jump up and push up and grab the ledge but only my fingers reach the edge I look below me and I don't see any place to put my feet. I gasp this is pushing my physical limits, but I won't fall I won't fall because I am not like the last candour transfer I am different I am divergent. the thought gives me power and I manage to pull myself up. the rest of the climb is easy, but when I get to the top all their is is the ceiling "what do I do now?" I yell down "well there is only one way to go and that is down," the man replies amusedly. " Shall I climb or jump?" i ask. "well if you jump you'll die," well then I guess I'll climb I slowly make my way down the rock wall when I get to the bottom they are waiting for me. "welcome to dauntless they screen and lift me into the air

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