Chapter Ten

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Days have past since Sally told Jeff about the puppeteer. Sally and the puppeteer are sitting out by the waterfall one day relaxing, just enjoying the sun. Back at the mansion Jeff started drinking and ratted Sally out about the puppeteer. Hoody and Masky about explode and they take off looking for Sally. Jeff realized what he told them and tried catching up to them while Ben, Toby, Laughing Jack, and Eyeless Jack are following.

They stop in the bushes looking in the clearing and see Sally with the puppeteer. Hoody and Masky burst into the clearing making them turn to look at them.

"Sally why are you with him?!" Hoody ask.

"He's my friend." She says in that innocent voice of hers. The puppeteer stands up.

"Maybe I should go Sally."

"Puppeteer don't go." She about starts crying.

He bends down to her level in front of her. "I have to go Sally. When you need me you know how to find me." He gets up and disappears into the trees.

"Sally why didn't you tell us about him?" Hoody calmed his tone. Sally looks at him but doesn't answer. Jeff keeps out of her sight.

"We don't want you around him again." Masky tells her. Jeff steps out of the shadows into her sight.

"That's a little to far Masky just let her..."

"No we don't know what he is capable of." Masky tells Jeff. Sally looks at Jeff.

"I trusted you not to tell Jeff. I thought we was friends." She starts walking back to the mansion leaving the guys behind her. Jeff is behind everyone shocked at what she said. Bloody tears fill her eyes as she walks back home. When she gets inside she runs up to her room and locked the door. Sally falls onto her bed letting her bloody tears fall.

After an hour she stops crying and goes to the window. Sally jumps out the window running away. She teleports herself to the other side of town where Splendor lives. She sneaks past the house and deeper into the other side of town. Sally has been gone about an hour but no one has noticed yet because of where she locked her door.

She keeps moving getting far away from Jeff and the pastas. Sally starts to feel tired and looks around for a place to stay. She's in the woods on the far side of Splendor's mansion when she finds a treehouse that looks abandoned. Sally crawls up the ladder that's fixed to the tree and gets in the treehouse.

She sees spider webs everywhere, a little bookcase in the corner, a bed with blankets on it, and a little solar powered heater. She walks over to the bed and sits down missing Jill and the puppeteer. Even though the sun is still up she falls asleep on the bed.

At the mansion Laughing Jill walks in the mansion. "I'm back guys!" She yells, then walks in the living room. She doesn't see Sally. "Where's Sally?" She says smiling. No one answers her. It starts to worry her. "I said where's Sally?!"

"In her room she's been up there a few hours pouting." Ben tells her. Jill walks up to her room and knocks on the door. There is no answer so she knocks again. Again no answer. Jill goes to her room and climbs out the window, then into Sally's room.

"Sally?" She looks around but doesn't see Sally. She walks over to the door and unlocks it. "Guys she's not here!" Jill calls downstairs. They come upstairs to her room.

"Damn it she ran away again." Ben says.

"Chill she's most likely at the park or the clearing." Jeff tells them. Laughing Jack disappears out of Sally's room to the clearing looking around. When he can't find her be comes back to her room.

"Not in the clearing." The sun has just set so they go out to look for Sally. After looking into the next day they still haven't found her. Days pass and nothing. Jeff breaks down and calls out for the puppeteer no matter how much he hates him, Jeff has to get Sally back.

The puppeteer appears behind Jeff leaning on a tree. "Never thought Mr. Jeff the Killer would call for me. What do you want?"

"We need help finding Sally she ran away."

"What?! How long has she been gone?"

"A few days. I need you to come back with me. The others are worried about her."

"Ok I agree to help." They walk back to the mansion. When they get in Ben looks at him.

"What is he doing here?" He glares at the puppeteer.

"He's here to help find Sally." Jeff tells him. They walk in the kitchen where everyone is. It is silent in the room. The puppeteer speaks up.

"Before anyone even brings it up no I would never hurt Sally plus Jeff has already threatened me about it." Masky looks up at him.

"How can you help us?" He asked.

"I can since different peoples emotions. I feed upon humans fear, loneliness, despair, those kind of feelings. Well Sally I found her by her loneliness and despair it's how I find my victims."

"How does that help us?" Laughing Jack asked.

"I can track her down. Only problem is, that it is hard to tell ones misery from another's. They seem to get mixed up I will be able to since her loneliness but where she's at not exact." They set out leaving Jill at the mansion while they hunt for Sally.

Author's Note

Sorry if it seems the chapters are getting shorter buts it a little harder to write three stories and remember what's in each one. Ok so bye for now guys. Remember you can leave me comments or any ideas you have to help me out. Until next time bye guys. =*.*= =^.^=

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