Chapter Twenty Three

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Night has began to fall and the plan is going into action. Jane sneaks in Sally's room. "You awake?"

"Yea but I'm so tired." Sally yawns. Jane un fastens her from the bed throwing her over her shoulder.

"Hang on Sally we might have to fight our way out." Jane peeks her head out the door not seeing any guards. She makes a break for the exit but she gets spotted by some guards. They start chasing her. "We gotta run Sally just hang onto me." Sally has her arms wrapped around Jane's neck half asleep. Jane runs faster hanging tighter onto Sally. While running she twisted her ankle and about falls but keeps running. She gets out the front door with guards still chasing her.

Jane runs in the direction Nina's in. She meets up with Nina and screams run. After about an hour of running the guards have lost them and they are in the woods. Sally is passed out in Jane's arms. They keep walking but Jane's ankle is hurting her.

"Where should we stop and hide for tonight?" Nina asked.

"There's a cabin not far from here going south. We can stay there tonight then start back in the morning." Nina takes Sally to carry for awhile letting Jane rest her arms. They make it to the cabin and walk in. Nina lies Sally on an old rugged couch. The girls take turns keeping watch though out the night.

When morning comes Sally wakes up. She sees the light in the cabin and was shocked. She was in a dark room so long she doesn't even know how long she was in there. Jane and Nina are in the room when Sally woke up.

"Hey Sally." Jane says sweetly.

"You're the girl who came to the dark room." Sally says.

"Yes I am. Let me introduce myself, I'm Jane the Killer and this is my friend Nina the Killer."

"How ya feeling Sally?" Nina asked.

"Tired." Sally sits up looking at them.

"That would be the sleeping drugs. They filled the room you was in with so much it will take awhile to get out of your system." Jane explains to her. Sally nods her head ok.

"Come on we better get on the road before Zalgo finds us." Nina walks over to Sally picking her up. Sally wraps her arms around her neck and legs around her waist hanging onto her. They leave the cabin on the way back to the pasta mansion.

"Feel free to go to sleep Sally. It will help the drugs get out of your system." Jane tells her. Sally nods her head ok. After a few hours in Sally fell asleep and they stopped walking for a minute.

"Can you carry Sally?" Nina asked Jane. Jane shook her head yeah, even though her ankle hurts, then takes Sally carrying her.

(Few days pass)

A few days have passed and they are just entering the woods. Jane is carrying Sally now. They hear a low growling sound and they both know who it is. "Nina there's a cabin west of here. Run." Jane keeps her voice calm before they take off running. Nina is in the lead. Jane has one hand on the back of Sally's head and has her wrapped up in the other arm holding her.

They keep running until they get to the cabin. Nina runs in then Jane. They close the door and lock it. Jane slides her back down the wall while still holding Sally. "You ok Sally?" Jane asked her panting for air.

"Yeah, what was we running from?" Sally asked.

"Smile dog. He doesn't like me to well." Smile dog is banging at the door trying to get in. They put there backs to the door making sure it stays closed. After a few minutes the banging stops and Jane stands up still holding Sally. They leave the cabin going to the mansion. Jane stops in front of the mansion before walking up the porch with Nina. The front door flies open to reveal Jeff with his knife ready to kill Jane. "Wait, I'm not here to kill you Jeff. Actually I was bring Sally home." She sits Sally down. She runs and hugs Jeff's legs.

"Jeff!" She tightens her arms around him and he hugs her back. Puppeteer is behind the girls and he pushes Jane and Nina into the mansion.

"Hey!" Both the girls screamed. Everyone else runs in and sees Jane on the ground.

"Did Jane come to kill Jeff again?" Hoody asked with a sigh. They don't see Sally cause she still hasn't let go of Jeff's legs.

"Actually, I didn't come to kill him this time. More like return someone home." Sally let go of Jeff's legs running over to Hoody and Masky.

"Sally!" They both yelled hugging her. She just giggles hugging them.

"I told you Jill, my friend knew where Sally was." Nina says to Jill while she's still on the ground. Jane and Nina make it up to a standing position.

"We would have been here sooner but we ran into smile and we all know how much he hates me." Jane says. Ben is now hugging Sally and won't let her go. Jane walks over to Sally and Ben let's her go. "I'm out kiddo. I kinda now have Zalgo out to get me but it was worth it. I'll see ya around." She ruffles her hair up.

"Thanks Jane." Sally smiles and hugs her. Jane hugs her back.

"Anytime, and if Zalgo gets you again you still have a crew to brake you out." Jane stands up turning to Nina. "Come on Nina we gotta get out of here before Zalgo finds us." Jane walks out onto the porch.

"See ya around Sally." Nina walks out joining Jane before they take off running. Puppeteer is hugging Sally when they leave.

"We're glad you're home Sally." She smiles.

"I am to." Puppeteer sits her on the ground and Ben takes her hand pulling her to the basement with him and Jeff to play video games. Ben let's Jeff go first while he has his arm around Sally.

He whispers in her ear. "I love you Sally." He kisses her forehead. Sally lies her head on his shoulder and whispers in his ear.

"I love you too Ben." She kisses his cheek and when she pulled back his cheeks were turning pink. She just giggles and keeps her head on his shoulder.

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