Chapter 2

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I woke up in a pretty little house. The walls were tinted with a creamy blue, and the room was covered in cosy-looking furniture. Where was I? It seemed so familiar yet I couldn't place exactly out a finger on it. A beautiful woman was lounging on the couch, a worn out book in her hand, and a delicate mug of tea perched at the end of the side table. She seemed to sigh with happiness as she read it, her silky, golden hair falling around her face.


A man came running in from the kitchen with a little boy in his arms, screaming "I told you! You can't lie to your old man, you little cookie thief!" as he tickled him. The woman muttered something, causing the man to let the little boy free, and he ran as fast as his feet could carry him.


There's no mistaking it. I followed the little version of me into another room. He ran under his bed and pulled out a folded tissue, which revealed to be hiding two little chocolate cookies.

I guess I always was a trouble maker.

Diana would laugh at this right now. Oh that's right. Where is she? Maybe she wasn't born yet.

I felt a vibration through the ground, and a sudden "crash." I went back into the living room to find my mother's tea mug on the floor; in pieces. "Oh bother. That was my favourite mug." She said, a sad pout splaying across her delicate features. "Was that a minor earthquake?" asked the man who seemed to be my father. A sudden bout of screams was heard outside, followed by repeated explosions. I stared at the worried expressions of my parents, but, to my horror, before any of us could comprehend the situation, the wall blew in from the side. It was too early for me to take cover, and I thought I was a goner. But when I blinked, I was still standing there unharmed.

"This must be a dream, then." I said in my head.

After getting my head together, I scanned the area, and changed my mind. This is no dream. This was a nightmare. One that came true, 10 years ago. This was the day that changed it all. The woman that was my mother began to scream the name "Mark" as she moved towards a pile of boulders, coughing and spluttering. I wanted to help her, I wanted to help them. But my body was frozen still, and I could do nothing but stand in shock with my mouth agape. I heard sounds from under the boulders, and the woman nodded, sprinting off. Probably to get the child from the other save me.

Mark had now managed to stick a bruised hand out from amongst the rocks. The boy scuttled out of the woman's arms and ran, to grab his father's hand, with tears streaming down his small, sad, face. "Dad.... come out of" he whimpered.

"I'm so sorry Nico. Daddy loves you okay? You need to promise me...promise me that you'll take care of your mother, and the new baby too, okay? be a good boy. I'll see you in heaven." dad said, through a hurt, cracked voice. Then he let go, and his hand went limp.

What was happening? Did this actually take place all those years ago?

Mother was in utter chaos. She violently shook her head, whispered to my father in the boulders, grabbed the little me, and ran out through the area where the pretty, blue wall once had been, out into the midst of a cold-blooded war.




Then the scene had suddenly changed.

I was standing there, watching my mother as she kissed and hugged me and my sister, tears streaming down her face. Her hair had lost its glory. It scrappily hung around her, clotted with dirt and blood. She was covered in scars, and was deathly pale. Her wild eyes seemed to sink into her skull.

Mom. What happened to you?

"Nicholas my son. Be good to your sister. Take care of her. You are the oldest one now, so you need to take daddy's place, and make him proud. Diana, never stop caring for your brother, and always stay close by his side. You only have each other now, so remember to stick together, tough it out, and help each other to survive. Maybe one day mommy will see you both again." she said to us.

My heart began to thud heavily in its cage. Why is she saying that? Where's dad?

"Don't forget me okay? Always remember, mommy loves you so much. More than the whole wide world." she whispered to us.

"No, mom! You can't do this! You can't leave us all alone! There has to be another way!" wailed the little me, desperately.

"I'm so sorry Nico...but I need to do this. There is no other way." she replied, nodding at a soldier that stood nearby, and he carried us both in his arms.

"Thank you. For saving my children. It is a debt that I can surely never repay, nor forget." she told him.

"Farewell ma'am. I fear I must hurry. Take care of yourself, and please, try your best to survive." replied the man.

He darted off with us, making it just in time for the train that was leaving. I saw myself try to reach over as I screamed "Mommy! Please don't go! Don't leave us. Please mister, you have to save my mommy!" I turned to see her trudge back down the broken, destroyed road, with her hands pressed to heart, leaving behind the angry mob that was also trying to board the train, and save their own lives. "Goodbye my children." she whispered, as the last whistle of the train sounded in the distance.

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