Chapter 11

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-Elizabeth Anne Grey-

I didn't know what much to say to the boy that stood in front of me. I looked at his kind face, dotted with freckles around the bridge of his nose. The messy brown mop of hair on his head, and his bright blue-green eyes reminded me of so many painful memories- ones that I can never outlive, no matter how much I try.

"I lost both my parents when I was very young. I don't remember much, but my father lost his life, and my mom raised me and my baby sister for a while, and then we got taken away from her." he went on.

My heart stopped beating for a while. This couldn't be right, could it? After all the injustice this world has done me...could it be that this boy- no. I stopped myself right there. It's been so many years, and here I am still getting my hopes up.

I guess deep down in my heart I never gave up. Maybe that's the reason it always hurt so much to think of them- I just couldn't let go. I believed there would come a time, when I would be able to look my children in the eye, at least one last time. I breathed in sharply, and stood up, my body cold, and trembling.

"What's your name, young man?" I asked, shakily.

"'s N-Nico. Nicholas Fletcher. Pleased to meet you." he stuttered.




Nico. My boy.

I dropped to the ground as my knees gave out, and couldn't find the strength to hold me up anymore.

"Pleased to meet you again too, son." was all I could say, before I blacked out completely.

-Nicholas Fletcher-

So, that was around the time I completely flipped out, due to various reasons.

1. I think this woman just called me "son."
2. I think I just found my mother.
3. I think she just fainted.
4. If all of the above were true, then I was in quite a bit of a situation.

After having around a 5-minute panic attack, I decided my best option was to carry the woman back home, only I didn't know which direction "home" was in. I hoisted my might-be-mother on to my back, and then it hit me as to how much of a creep I would be, if I did end up bringing her back and she turned out to be someone else.

Was I going too far? Maybe I was just too excited to try and weigh out all the facts. We spent so much time looking for her, and I could've possibly found her- all by myself. That one thought had clouded my head, and I set off, with the woman on my back, asking random passers-by directions to that café by our house. I received a whole ton of spiteful looks from each person that I asked, but after what seemed like an eternity, a million glares, and two whole hours, I managed to make it back to the café. It helped that the woman was astoundingly light, as it didn't seem to tire me out as much I thought it would.

The warm, fading glow of the café began to sift into my vision, illuminating the pitch-black streets. The stars themselves were seemingly plain-void of their usual glow, and paling in comparison to the golden lamps that were strung across the seating area outside. The fragrant aroma of rich cocoa, wafted through the air, beckoning all the passers-by to stop, and soak in its warmth. The worn out mahogany wood tables were packed with all sorts of people tonight. It was truly one of my most favourite places, and I had never been any happier to see it.

On my back, the woman began to stir. I believe the pleasing scent of food awakened her senses. I hobbled across the street, and down the corner. Soon enough I was right in front of our rotting wooden door. I banged on it with my foot and almost jumped 5 feet in the air (if it weren't for the fact that I was carrying a whole human on back) when the door immediately flew open to my little sister, with the evilest glare in her puny little eyes.

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