The next day

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"It is time to wake up breakfast is ready and you need to get your chores done before school. so do the dishes and take out the trash and vacuum."

"Okay I'll be down in 5 aunt Maggie."

I got up out of bed, got dressed, grabbed my books and went down stairs.

"That was more then 5 minutes" my aunt said

"I'm sorry"

"It's okay, just do your chores and head to school. I have to go to the store to grabbed a couple of things. So can you walk home. I won't be able to pick you up because I have to work late tonight."

"Okay aunt Maggie. everything we'll be home. and yes I can walk home."

I ate breakfast did the dishes, vacuumed the floors grabbed my book bag which I put my books in and the trash and left the house. I locked up the house since aunt Maggie went to the store. I put the trash bag in the dumpster and walked to the bus stop. The bus was already there but it would jot have left with out me. The bus driver said I was his favorite out of them all. when I got to the bus I got on said

"Good morning Mr.Mick. hope u did not have to wait to long."

"Good morning Amelia. and no just got here."

I took my seat on the bus and sat there. finally it was the last stop. and Oh No. A new kid. I hope the new kid dose not sit next to me. they always do and then people start talking. The new kid looked around, saw me and said

"Can I sit here?"

"Sure." I said

The bus was silent. until the new kid spoke to me. and that NEVER happened in a million years. he said first..

"Hi, my name is Justin. may I know your name?"

Some kids on the bus was like she has no name. she is fat girl and emo chic.

"Hey emo girl can you like not cry so we can all laugh first.?"

I sat in silence. finally the bus trip was over and I got off the bus and ran inside to my locker. and went straight to my first period. When class finally started and I was taking notes. but it was always hard for me to see. because I was the only person in the back row. because I was known as the "FREAK OF THE SCHOOL" like that was fun. but the doors oped and a kid walked in.

The teacher said " hello can I help u with something?"

"Yes I am new here and I have this class down as my first period of the day."

"Oh my apology.. I am terribly sorry. I thought you were not coming until next week. no worrys you can sit next to Amelia in the back until I can find you a better seat to sit in."

"Thank you. and you don't need to do that. I'll be fine back there."

"Okay class this is Justin rivers he is the new student in this school so show some RESPECT!"

Justin walked back and sat down. and said

"Hi, again."


"Are you okay."

"I-I-I am f-f-fine"

"You sound scared or nervous."

Ummm yea I was I had a cute boy talking to me. and he did not seem to care that everybody in the class including the teacher was looking.


"Amelia." the teacher said

"Yes. Mr.michick."

"You are wanted in the principals office At once."

I got up and everybody was still Looking at me. and I heard them talking. like

"Wow look like someone have a header to hard."

"No I heard she peed herself in class."

"No it's those nightmares she talks about when she sleep talking.

"Yes I know like ON NO HELP ME.w

Everybody was laughing even the teacher. finally I sat down and I waited for 15 minutes. and the principal called me in. Miss Clearwater.


" I am afraid you can no longer be in this school."

"But why?"

"The kids talk to much and I don't want you to get hurt."

"But I did not do anything wrong!!"

"I'm sorry but the board has already made there decision. and there."

"There is nothing for you to do right!?!" I said

" Your aunt has already knew about this. so go get your stuff show this to the teachers and have a great life. I am terribly sorry about all of this."

"Yeah whatever!"

I went back to class gave the teacher the note. everybody saw me crying and I grabbed my stuff. and walked out i went to my locker and put my books in there. and as soon as you know it.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"Nothing !" I wiped my eyes

"Do you mind if income with you?"

"Won't you get in trouble?"

"No I'm not in this school."

"But I thought."

"No i wanted to be with you."

My face dropped and i had surprise on it. all I told him was sure.

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