The funeral

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As me and Justin walked home together. There was an ambulance rushing down the street. I was thinking don't go right. but it did so I was like

"Come on."

"Hurry up."

"What's wrong?" he says

Then we both stopped. There was a man standing there with blood on him. But all he did was smile and leave. Deep down inside I feel like I knew that man. or maybe I have just seen him before. anyway I turned towards to my house. I saw my aunt. All I kept thinking was...

"is this really happening. or am I dreaming again?"

Justin turned to me and says

"Are you okay?"

"Hold on."

I walked up and I had asked the neighbors if they had saw anything. but of course all they said was a nice gentle man stopes by and afford to sell tomatoes. And your aunt Maggie loved tomatoes. but was it the guy who I saw or not.

I walked up to the medics and asked them...

"How is she?"

"I'm sorry but you aunt Maggie is..."

"Is what?"

"She's dead..."

"WHAT... NO!!"

I was so shocked I started crying and ran inside to my room. I could not breath. I felt so scared. like in those dreams I have been having. I felt all alone until there was a knock on my door.

"Yes. come in." as I started wiping my tears.

"Oh hi Justin. I'm sorry I did not come back"

"It's okay. The medics told me. Are you okay?"

"I don't know. I feel all alone. and scared and I have no other family. she was the only one. I don't wanna be alone.."

"Don't Worry. I'll stay with you. I won't leave you. I promise you this."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." I said

"It is ok I keep my promises."

I sat there. I did not know what to do. Justin went home to get some things. and I sat there on the sofa scared.

"Knock knock.."

I jumped so bad. but I said

"How is it?"

"The police. can we come in?"

"Hello. mrs..."


"Hello Mrs.Clearwater. How are you holding up?"

"Okay. I have a friend staying the night with me so I don't have to be alone."

"That is probably the best thing to do right now. I don't know why someone would go after your aunt maggie. would you know?"

"No. why would i?"

"No reason. Did your aunt Maggie do anything weird."

"No, why are you asking me this question. my aunt Maggie was not a thief or anything else. she was a hard nice working lady. she would never hurt a fly."

"Sorry ma'ma. just part of are job. Where did you get that bruise?"

"I don't know. it's been there all my life. when I was born. Kind of like my birth mark."

"Okay. we'll that's all we need today. Get some rest. and we are very sorry for your loss"

"Thank you." i said

I continued to sit on the sofa and I turned on the tv and fell asleep. some how I started to scream and Justin ran in and saw me on the coach... sleeping so he woke me up and said

"Are you alright?"

"Bad dream."

"We'll here let me lay down with you and you can sleep."

"But first can we make sure all windows and doors are locked."

"Sure." he said

So we went together to lock everything up. Because I was so scared. I was so drowsy. Justin told me to head downstairs and he will finish up. when I started heading downstairs I heard a door close. and not any door in the house. but the back door. I was so scared I could not move. but out of the Corner of my eye there is a man.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!" I screamed so loud. Justin came running. and he saw the man too.

"Listen up!" the man said

"This is why I have come back. They have hided you we'll enough. but you are the chosen one. I need my power and unorder to do that... you need to DIE!!!"

"I d-d-don't un-understand." I said

"Oh you well. when we meet again you best be prepared. or it's going to be too easy." the man said

"LEAVE!!" Justin yelled

"No. your girl have to activate her power first." the man said

"What???" I said " I don't have any power..."

"Oh you do." the man said "come on kick me out without using any body parts but only your mind."

"I don't believe in magic so get out of my house. you disgust me. NOW GO!!!"

Justin was standing there still. like he was not even breathing.

"What did you do to him?? I said

"Just froze time. but you can unfreeze it."

"And how am I suppose to do that!?!" I said

"I guess you will have to find that out yourself." The man said

He left with no word. the second I blinked my eyes he was gone. I turned and Justin was still frozen. so u cleared my mind. And thought of Justin. And I thought of a clock ticking and before u know it he unfroze. and I started Falling downstairs...and started to black out...

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