Chapter 1

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My eyes flung open. I blinked repeatedly, waiting for the blurriness to leave my eyes. When my vision finally cleared, I looked upon a horrific scene. There was fire. And blood. The smell of burning flesh pierced my nose. I felt like I should scream. I might have even tried, but I couldn't move. I couldn't talk. And therefore, I could not scream. 

I attempted to sit up, but the awful pain in my head was telling me that sitting up was not a good idea. What had happened? Where was I, and why was I here? There had obviously been some type of accident, most likely in a car, but if I was involved in an accident, I could not remember it. 

Question after question played in my mind. All of which I could not come up with an answer for. So I was left here with my thoughts. Trying to come up with a reasonable explanation as to how I had ended up in my current predicament.

Then all too soon I could feel myself being engulfed into a bottomless pit of darkness. And it was devouring me quickly. However, my eyes did manage to catch a glimpse of one last thing. Flashing red lights not to far off in the distance. They were nearing me, as I was sliding in and out of consciousness. I aloud my eyes to focus on the pretty bright flashing lights, as I floated away into nothingness. 


I could hear people moving frantically around me, and I could tell we where moving, but all I could see was darkness. There was a continual beeping noise, but my ears couldn't exactly pinpoint where it was coming from. I heard the murmur of men and women talking, but I was to weak to make out their words. It was like I had gained a little, but I would only gain half of it. It like somebody offering you half of a heart, when you needed a full on transplant. Every so often I could make out a word or so, but that was all I could get. Only a word at a time. 

 Then once again, everything was fading away from me. I was desperately trying to cling on to the small amount of things I had gained back, but it was useless. The darkness was just to strong. 


beep. beep. beep.

The room around me was Serene and peaceful. That's how it felt at least. There was a beeping that was repetitive, but it was somehow calming. At first I was hesitant to open my eyes, thinking that it would somehow hurt my now throbbing head, but the curiosity got to me, and I aloud my eyes to flutter open. 

My eyes roamed around a fairly plain room. Most of the colors in the room were dull, with the exception the balloons and stuffed animals in the corner. The walls were painted white, and the borders were a light dulling shade of purple. I was lying in a bed in the middle of the room, with  a heavy white quilt covering my  lower abdomen, and my head was propped up by 2 pillows, and across the room was a flat screen TV, that was currently blank. In the far right corner of the room where two chairs, the color matching that of the one bordering the walls. And lastly, there was a bunch of medical equipment on the left corner closest to me. 

Connected to my left wrist was an IV, and on the other wrist was a dull blue cast. I took a deep breath, and tried to recall how I had wound up here. I remembered waking up in the middle of the road, and the fire and the scent of burning flesh, but the rest was somewhere not to far away. Somewhere  just out of reach.  

I heard a quiet creaking noise, and my eyes turned to the source of the sound. I was looking at a middle aged man, who I was guessing was a doctor or a nurse. He had dark hair and grey eyes and a friendly expression on his face. He stood across the room by the door, and his lips pulled into a large stressed smile. 

"Hello Avalon. I'm Doctor Williams. How are you feeling?" His smile would've been contagious, if my head wasn't pounding. 

"Honestly, I've had better days." Doctor Williams lets out a small laugh and then his face turned serious. 

"Avalon, do you know how you got here?" I think for a moment before answering, trying desperately to recall the events that landed me in this tedious little hospital. But I soon discovered that it was useless. 

"I can only remember bits and pieces. Of the actual process of getting here I mean. I cant recall any of the events that got me in here." 

"Okay. Well, Avalon, you where involved in a very serious car crash. You and your friend were reported to be driving over the speed limit. Another driver was turning onto the road you were driving on, and he collided straight into the front of your car. You then were ejected from the car, out of the windshield. The hit you took to your head caused some mildly serious damage, and once out of the car, you landed on your wrist, shattering the bone completely. We had to do an emergency operation to fix the bone, but we didn't notice the damage to your head until a while later. After we fixed your hand, we did an MRI of your brain, to see how much damage your brain may have sustained. We found that you had a common type of TBI called a concussion. The damage to your brain should have been much worse. You are very blessed Ms. Knight. However,  your friend that was driving the car, didnt get as lucky. She is probably also the only reason you are still here. The impact got to her first, and she too was ejected out the windshield. She broke the glass, which is why the injury to your brain wasn't a fatal as it should have been."

For a moment, I just sat there. Letting everything sink in. Then it dawned on me. I could remember part of what had happened. I could remember part of the crash.


"Morgan! slow down a little! Your going to kill us all!" I screamed across the car a my idiotic best friend Morgan. If she crashed us or got pulled over, there was no  chance at all of saving Taylor. 

"I can't f*cking slow down Avalon! Taylor is hurt! Badly! And if I slow down we aren't going to make it to the hospital in time! and if I f*cking slow down shes going to die! Is that what you want?! You want her to die?!" Hearing her words made me choke back a sob. 

"Morgan, shes already gone." I choke out. 

The next thing I know, we are being blinded by the headlights of a large red pickup truck, and Morgan is yelling at me to get down. 


Reality hits me. Hard, right in the stomach. The wind is knocked out of me, and all I can do is scream. Or cry. Or both. I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything. Just wish to be wherever the hell Morgan and Taylor both where. 






 Hey guys(: So I just rewrote this chapter and it literally took me four plus hours. I really hope you guys like it, cause I put a sh*t load of effort into it. 

also, I have a few announcements to make. 

First, if you are wondering why I'm not just spelling out the curse words, its because I really want to keep this book pg13. Its only because i want it to be able to be rated and whatnot, so yeah. 

Second, this chapter was written by @youarethesuicideroom. she is going to be the co-writer and editor. We go to school together and were friends and she wanted to help so im letting her. 

third, we are reediting the two chapters we have right now, so  sorry about any confusion with the jump from chapter 1 to chapter 2. 

And finally, we are choosing Monday for our update day. we are going to try to keep our updates consistent.

Okay. Ill see you next update my marshmallows(: baiii. 

 (the first beginnign note wasnt me from me lol) 

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